Here are the full facts on the Pfizer vaccine …


Yasser Al-Darshaabi, medical director and regional vice president of “Pfizer” in the Middle East and Africa region, announced that “the effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine is 95%”, noting that “the possibility of transmitting the infection after taking the vaccine is still under study and exploration, “calling those who received the vaccine” out of necessity. “Continue to adhere to preventive measures.”

In an interview with the “LBCI” channel, Al-Darshaabi emphasized that “scientific evidence confirms the effectiveness and protection of the two-dose regimen by 95 percent one week after receiving the second dose, which is 21 days apart. with the first dose. “, adding,” There is no scientific evidence. Regarding the period of time for the effectiveness and protection you get from receiving a single dose of the vaccine, “he also rejected” the mixture of vaccines, saying: “Mix vaccinations is dangerous. We do not advise at all, but we refuse to take a dose of this vaccine and to take a second dose of a second vaccine. “

Regarding Pfizer vaccine coverage of new strains such as South African and British strains, he noted that “mRNA technology” gives the opportunity to adapt and develop the vaccine very quickly to cover any new strains, noting that “initial studies indicate which covers new gene mutations, as for the South African strain, it is still under investigation, in six weeks, we can develop the vaccine if necessary, we can develop the vaccine to cover the mutated gene mutations, to be an additional copy or a dose reinforcement.

Regarding the effects of the vaccine in pregnant women, fetuses and adolescents, Al-Darshaabi noted that during the clinical study stage pregnant women were excluded, “but we have started a study in 4,000 pregnant women, which takes ten months to to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the vaccine in them, and for adolescents, we are still in the information gathering and study phase. “

Regarding Pfizer’s response to the repercussions generated by the vaccination of several Lebanese parliamentarians, he said: “I respect the confidentiality of the agreements with the countries. It is the prerogative of the local authorities, but we are in favor of the principle of equality in medical care. and a fair distribution of the vaccine. “

Regarding the possibility of selling the vaccine to the private sector, he replied: “One of the conditions of the contract is that it be with the accredited health authorities in the countries. Lebanon is one of the first countries to conclude an agreement. We are proud to have put Lebanon on the Q1 map to get Pfizer. ” Adding: “Pfizer has expanded the production lines at its factories over the past weeks to meet the needs of the world.
