Here are the best natural oils to stimulate hair growth.


Here are the best natural oils to stimulate hair growth.

Health experts consider that there is absolutely no need to worry about hair loss as it is part of the natural aging process.

But it can be very uncomfortable and you can choose to find some remedies to slow down hair loss.

A person can lose up to 100 hairs from his body every day, without realizing it. Hair loss can be caused by a number of different conditions or factors, according to the NHS.

Weight loss, stress, or even iron deficiency can contribute to some form of hair loss. However, certain home remedies can slow down hair loss or stimulate hair growth.

Lavender oil

Lavender oil is one of the most popular essential oils for treating hair loss. It contains antimicrobial and antibacterial properties that improve the health of the scalp, according to the Healthline medical site.

The oil is rumored to speed up hair growth in some patients. Its hair stimulating properties have been linked to its ability to stimulate cell growth and reduce stress.

Thyme oil

Scientists have revealed that thyme can help treat alopecia.

Thyme oil stimulates the scalp, which stimulates hair growth. It is a particularly strong essential oil, so you only need a few drops to achieve the desired effect.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil has been used as a treatment for various conditions in the past.

It contains antibacterial, antimicrobial and cleansing properties, making it the perfect complement to your skincare routine.

When applied to the head, tea tree oil is claimed to revitalize hair follicles and stimulate new hair.

Rosemary oil

Rosemary oil is said to help improve cell generation.

Patients saw improvements in both hair thickness and hair growth when applied regularly to their hair.

Peppermint oil

When you start using peppermint oil, you may feel a slight sensation in the area where you applied it. But this sensation actually helps promote hair growth in its growing phase.
