Headlines and Secrets of Local Newspapers Published on Wednesday December 30, 2020 – Al-Manar Channel Website – Lebanon



Building :

A military maneuver in Gaza to pay tribute to Soleimani and a warning to the occupation not to risk aggression.

Sayyid Nasrallah’s talk on the crisis of confidence opens the door to mediations that take the government out of the bottleneck

– Diab raises her voice in the face of the investigation: Why didn’t people who know about nitrates and their dangers ask and remain silent?


The “extreme corner”: Gaza is not the weakest link

Targeting the “good loan”: a new attack on the resistance environment

Diab asks about ammonium nitrate: Where is the 2000 tons?

– The US Congress “accuses” Hezbollah of bombing the port!

Towards suicide: the establishment of a critical council in Lebanon


France adheres to its initiative towards Lebanon, but are the political forces adhering to the French initiative?

Diab confirms that only 500 tons of “nitrates” exploded in the port and says they searched the Internet for the substance.

– The Ministry of Health replaces the general closure by isolating the affected areas

Major General:

– The Failure Authority turns the mountain of crises into the year of the “impossible fix”

Diab “Al-Majrouh”: Why didn’t Suwan summon a judge or a security officer? …

– It is possible to close for 15 days after 4K2


– The government is captive to external and internal contracts. And the solution awaits sacrifices and mutual facilities

– All eyes are on Bkerke and Elise.

Protests against premium dollarization

Day time:

– At the end of the worst year: Lebanon is the record victim



– Sources linked to the government channel said that mutual reservations between the president of the Republic and the president in charge of forming a government affect two names from each party and the fate of a portfolio and its minister. Therefore, the sources believe that the road is not blocked and that mediation efforts after the start of the year can be successful by turning corners so that the government sees the light in the first ten of the first month.

– European security sources said that the Palestinian military maneuver, and following the words of the Hezbollah secretary general, represent important signs of escalating tension in the region, including as a matter of readiness to respond to any US or Israeli military action during the remaining time of US President Donald Trump’s term, and sources asked to take this Availability into account before engaging in any military or security action.

Day time

– More than one politician stated that the protesters in front of the American University in Beirut yesterday were not university students and were not students in the first place, implicitly accused of one of the ideological parties of working to send a political message.

A political leader believes that economic conditions will be much more dangerous next year than they are today, because the atmosphere confirms that donor countries will not provide any support except in political terms.

– Some educational institutions seek to continue education and avoid closure due to the financial bankruptcy that this entails, and some threaten to close permanently if the situation worsens.

Major general

A country in the major region faces the problem of being denied investment contracts to rebuild a nearby country, despite the huge billions it has paid there.

A Western diplomat asks about the side that will reestablish the connection that was severed after the last meeting between Baabda and “Beit Al Wasat”.

Some of the nominated names of an influential movement, those who participated in the formation of the government, were shocked to the point of causing a ridiculous commotion!

The Republic

– A former official warned that the general situation has rolled until the last stage before reaching the bottom of the abyss.

Informed sources asked what would happen if the criminal audit started with the Banque du Liban and dealt with billions that it paid for years in exchange for “fraudulent” shipments for which a former minister issued a book that exempts the bank from any legal liability for previous violations?


– Following the information provided by the FBI report that the port explosion was caused by only 500 tons of ammonia, the comment of one of the officials of the ruling political movement was ridiculed by those involved.

– The distinction and contrast between the statements of members of a political movement in the course of their comments on the words of a political leader became clear

Source: Newspapers
