He lives in Tripoli … and this is his health condition.


Jana Al-Dehaibi wrote in “Al-Modon”: A state of panic that affected the Lebanese in general, and in Tripoli in particular, after the arrival of the first case of the new emerging corona virus strain, with a traveler from the British capital London, and he lives in the capital of the North..

This strain, originally from Great Britain, has caused great anxiety around the world, following its rapid spread and ability to kill both young and old, and can lead to serious complications, according to some health experts. Of course, it sneaked into Lebanon due to a lack of formal precautionary measures, like a lot of countries stopping flights with Britain. This means that our country continues to be a candidate for the expansion of the new strain of the virus, in light of the legislation on the doors of airports in front of the hotspots of its spread on the one hand, and because one of the arrivals carries it on the other hand, and there may be others who were infected with it and their condition was not disclosed..

At first, rumors spread about the presence of the newly infected person in Sidon in the south, then it became clear that he lived in Tripoli in the north. What about your status?

The information about Al-Modon reveals that the person infected with the new strain lives in the Dam and Sort area of ​​Tripoli, and is a middle-aged man..

Faced with the strict disclosure of any official information about his identity, out of respect for his privacy, the head of disaster management in the municipality of Tripoli, Jamil Jablawi, indicates that the patient is in a relatively stable condition so far, and not has severe symptoms..

Jablawi notes that the wounded man was quarantined in a private room in his house, and that he is being followed step by step by disaster management and Tripoli district doctor, the representative of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Walid Al -Baba, and that he did not mix with any of his family members and his environment, and was quick to quarantine himself as soon as he was exposed to the new strain. He is also committed to home quarantine and has not been transferred to the hospital, because his condition is still stable and does not require hospital treatment. You will be taken to the hospital if your health requires it..

Jabalawi believes that Lebanon originally entered the stage of social spread of the epidemic and entered the stage of herd immunity, because most symptoms range from mild to moderate, while severe cases constitute only a small percentage. Jablawi said: “The new strain of the virus is not more dangerous, but faster, at a time when the spread of the epidemic in Lebanon is great. Therefore, there is no need to panic.”“.

Jablawi confirmed that the Tripoli Disaster Management and Judicial Physician is monitoring the cases of all the injured, and a serious decrease in the nature of the spread of the epidemic in the north has not yet been known. What is required is the awareness of people about the need for prevention measures, social distancing and personal hygiene, given the inability of people, as a result of the deterioration of economic and living conditions, to fully comply with the home quarantine and the general closure in the country..

Popularly, the inhabitants of Tripoli are still waiting for the repercussions of the sequence of the new Corona wave among them, while the number of infected by Corona, according to the figures of the Ministry of Health of the city, 4,060 injured, and the percentage of injured in the north, the total number of wounded in Lebanon is 12.3 percent.
