Hassan on the “general closure”: the decision belongs to the head of state


Acting Government Minister of Public Health Hamad Hassan visited Deir Al-Ahmar Medical Center, at the invitation of Representative Antoine Habashi, to witness the establishment of a Corona department at Deir Al-Ahmar Health Center.

Hassan emphasized: “The importance of the meeting despite the anxiety, fear and tension that our society is experiencing. My thanks to the people of Deir al-Ahmar and Sliifa and to Bishop Hanna Rahma for their constant calls for integration. , love and tolerance in this brilliant region of Lebanon, when we have spiritual and political references like Archbishop Rahma, and when we have them Bishop Rahma, we get positive results.

He added: “I spoke with the supervisor in the department about the crisis cell, and I told him: Let’s assume responsibility together and start, at the beginning the case of Corona appeared that we were following him, the day that the contacts were forced to sit in their houses, then the tactic changed according to the curve and the peak we reached, and it was outnumbered. All roofs and no country in the world could not do what Lebanon did in the first stage of the epidemic. ”

He continued: “Today I assure that we can return to that and understand the issue and not get worse if we launch a new platform to protect society under the government, spiritual, political, media, municipal and civil society sponsorship.”

The minister said: “I blame civil society organizations a lot and admonish them as much as I love them with the issue of the port explosion, that we do without the State and go to civil society. As an alternative, we tell civil society bodies what worked and until the moment it didn’t work and what to wait until it works, wait for winter, for everyone. If you are in Deir Al-Ahmar and Shlifa, your hands are white and green, we are not part of the world, if we take the constant scientific, science is the one that makes decisions, decisions are not made, they are not improvised, there are infected people who They infect others and adults, and this forces us to deal with responsibility.

He added: “Unfortunately Corona snatches the souls of young people. One of them told me today that I have a Corona without symptoms. I told him why you are away from home and why you did not quarantine yourself. He told me that the Crown is a lie “He added:” What happened in Europe we hope will not be repeated in Lebanon. We saw the scene and approached it with national responsibility. Today is a very dangerous juncture. We are approaching the catastrophic scene, and today we are suffering all the Ministry of Public Health and hospitals, monitoring, medical attention, the observing doctor. Everyone knows that we do not sleep. They call us at midnight to secure a family and we cannot find a single bed.

He said: “London has closed, France will be closed. There are measures in Spain and Italy. We are not isolated from the world. We have to put a plan to stop the deterioration of the next epidemic on the horizon for the next few months and work towards a goal, and without a goal the motivation and the will will weaken and weaken the force before arriving “. To security. “

Hassan emphasized: “By dealing positively with Corona, in Europe they have turned public stadiums and hallways into hospitals, and we have sent books to private hospitals to open Corona departments, we named some of them by name, some of them did not respond, and Today I thank the people of Deir al-Ahmar for their initiative and their sense of responsibility. “

Hassan wished: “Just as Deir Al-Ahmar took responsibility, hospitals must also treat responsibly, there is a second wave in Europe between 50 and 60 thousand injuries per day. We have to rely on scientific data and take the making serious decisions and not holding some points. Having a family. “

He continued: “I met with President Hassan Diab and told him that you are supposed to make a decision at the national level. The partial lockdown experiment was an excellent experience that responded to people’s concerns not to go to the absolute lockdown, or In some places it was not successful and to hold the State responsible, here the right rests with the people. We cannot make each citizen a guard, and the stake remains logic, reason and a sense of responsibility, as long as the call is take responsibility at all levels so that we can reach safety ”.

He stressed that, “Two weeks ago a recommendation was made as a scientific committee for the closure, it turned out that we are defenseless as a government and as a state, especially after the port explosion, the results of which were disastrous. We are supposed to resort to partial or permanent, general or temporary closures within 24 hours. The Crown committee is supposed to have the recommendations from Tuesday’s meeting. The ministerial committee must make a recommendation and the decision is made by the head of state. “

On the subject of medicine, he said: “Medication is a responsibility and a national sense at the same time. We deal with the judiciary and with sense and responsibility gradually, and the deal with officials and importers has improved. There were bets on time, and I would go back and repeat today that it makes no sense to bet on time. “

In turn, Habashi said, addressing Hassan: “We thank His Excellency for his prompt response to this invitation to visit the health center in Deir Al-Ahmar, which occurred in the context of the worsening crisis of Corona’s injuries. , so that we can quickly deal with the problem of the spread of the virus. “

He added: “There are institutions that are interested in the issue of hospitals, and they will follow up with you on the technical part, and I am writing to our people in Baalbek-Hermel in general, and Deir al-Ahmar in particular, to tell them that This issue is not likely to depend only on the minister or government, and when we are in trouble we blame the state, this The virus can only be controlled if each of us is aware and takes responsibility for taking all necessary measures. Underestimation entails greater risks and fatal cases. What worries us today is that 60 percent of our population in the region are elderly. “
