Hassan: All hospitals offering intensive care rooms will benefit from ventilators Policy


Acting Government Minister of Public Health Dr. Hamad Hassan called on hospitals in all governorates to “provide additional beds and intensive care devices, especially as we are on the brink of a winter that threatens to increase the number of injuries with registering more cases that need careful attention. “

This came during his sponsorship of the inauguration ceremony of the Bekaa region official in “Hezbollah”, Dr. Hussein al-Nimr, “Baalbek Hermel Hospital Group” at the Imam Khomeini Cultural Center in Baalbek, in the presence of the Member of the “Nawab Baalbek” Bloc, MP Ali Al-Miqdad, Health Care Officer in Bekaa Bilal Qataya, Head of the Islamic Health Authority in Bekaa Abbas Muawiya, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Baalbek Government Hospital, Dr. Abbas Shukr, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Hermel Government Hospital, Dr. Simon Nasereddin, and directors of private hospitals in the region.


Minister Hassan thanked the leadership of the Bekaa region in Hezbollah, the Baalbek-Hermel conglomerate, the directors and owners of government and private hospitals, for this initiative, which is integrated with the efforts of the Ministry of Public Health in the homeland, to face the developments and curve of the Corona epidemic.

He said: “A week ago we launched an integrated plan between the government hospitals of all the provinces, while today the integration between public and private hospitals is a welcome and appreciated step and a responsible initiative, indicating this cooperation that we started from the beginning of the epidemic to protect society, and had positive repercussions and results, so it was maintained. ” The Baalbek-Hermel governorate and some other provinces record the lowest level of injuries, based on the community’s awareness and interaction with its political leaders and supporters and the consistent statement by the Ministry of Public Health that the individual must take responsibility for responsibility, and today we also ask the Union of Hospitals and Private Hospitals in all provinces to provide additional beds and critical care devices, especially us At the gates of the winter season, which heralds an increase in the number of injured with the registration of more cases that require careful attention, and I say with pride that this partisan political embrace of society, especially hospital owners, and their response to this step is commendable, respected and appreciated, and on which greater responsibilities are built. The Ministry of Public Health, if it is to expedite the payment of fees to private hospitals, especially with regard to exceeding the financial ceilings, which have begun to liberalize financially, OR to be able to pay most of the year 2020 and transactions in administrative process in the Ministry of Public Health, or the fair distribution of some donations and aid received kindly by the Army Command and that cooperates, and each hospital has intensive care rooms, we will provide you with the respirators that we receive and they are in the stores of the Lebanese army. .

Minister Hassan spoke about quarantine places and their role, saying: “Quarantine is necessary, especially at this time when many victims are registered, and the Disaster Committee will take this issue to a higher level of implementation after has completed all the logistical and evaluation studies of the quarantine sites, and we as a government must initiate the quarantine. All citizens who do not have in their places of residence the opportunity to be safe for their families, neighbors and society ”.

He added: “Regarding the drug dossier, we began to feel, through the campaign we launched, and the treatment plan that we are following in the field and continues, that some agents and warehouses have begun to dispense drugs in recent days. , and there is more commitment in pharmacies that used to wholesale, which is prohibited, and we will continue. Work to provide all essential medicines, whether for chronic or incurable diseases, because that is the duty of the ministry.

He continued: “Today we face difficult plagues and challenges, and this is not the time for any hospital or educational building to make decisions or prevent or block some groups from implementing trainings under any pretext or argument, and the Ministry of Health has all the courage and the right to take all action against any institution that believes in this. Sensitive time is an additional problem for which we are indispensable. There is no time for someone to bend anyone’s hand and there is no time for anyone to challenge anyone. “

Minister Hassan concluded: “At this time, we must cooperate and integrate, and we want such a clear and brilliant image that is evident today in Baalbek-Hermel to be generalized to all governorates.”


In turn, the parliamentarian Al-Miqdad affirmed that “this meeting took place at a time when the country suffers many health and social calamities, and its launch today expresses the scope of everyone’s concern, be it the Ministry of Public Health and in the person of Minister Hamad Hassan and the work team in the ministry, or of Hezbollah, the Amal Movement and political parties. In the region, every person in Lebanon is concerned about the health and social situation to confirm the degree of interest it has in improving the health situation in the region and monitoring each individual and the entrants related to the health situation, especially the Corona virus that is sweeping the world.

He greeted, “the efforts made by the workers to follow up the Coronavirus patient in the teams of the Islamic Health and Healthcare Authority, Civil Defense, Lebanese Red Cross and the Assembly of Muslim Doctors, as well as the tremendous efforts made by the media professionals to raise awareness and confront the problem of the Corona pandemic, which requires everyone to come together to face the epidemic that has occurred. Sweep the world. “

Al-Miqdad emphasized that “this meeting is for the coordination between hospitals and has no political or partisan character. Rather, it is for the service of the people.”


Al-Nimr considered that “opportunities are generated from the heart of the crises, and the Crown crisis gave birth to us in the Bekaa region, a set of opportunities that we received, and one of the most important of these opportunities is our feeling of cooperation and solidarity to face the crisis. For this reason, he called the managers and owners of the official and private hospitals in the region, and we arrived at the launch of this meeting, and after consultation “. The discussion concluded on a mechanism of action and a program for the future, and this shows a sense of great responsibility and concern for the health of the citizens of our region.


Dr. Muhammad Al-Lakis defined the group’s objectives as “to form a unified team to demand the collection of fees from hospitals in the region, and seek to achieve the best possible hospital service in the region through the integration of hospitals among themselves, and the distribution of efforts and specializations among hospitals in order to reduce the financial and moral burden on them and form a unified health front. ” To face risks and disasters, and the solidarity and solidarity of the hospital body in the face of any problem in any hospital in the region, and to achieve a code of honor that governs the relationship between hospitals.
