Hariri’s Vaccine and Berri’s Laws: The Mix of Politics and Corona Heralds Chaos


Continuing with the supposed achievement that took place yesterday in parliament, the president of the parliament, Nabih Berri, today signed the laws approved by the Public Authority, the first of which is the repeated expedited law to regulate the new use of drugs to combat the Corona pandemic. President Berri placed the laws in the Presidency of the Council of Ministers to follow their natural constitutional course.
While the Lebanese state solved the legal problem related to the importation of the vaccine by adopting this law, the Lebanese await clarification from the media office of the designated prime minister, Saad Hariri, about their work to secure Chinese vaccines for the Lebanese. Knowing that Future Movement circles in Beirut deny their knowledge on this issue, pointing out that “Prime Minister Hariri may be working to secure the vaccine among his other efforts to find solutions for the country.” However, raising all this in the media leads Hariri into the trap of securing the vaccine. To be photographed on the site of the disabled in case of failure. It seems that politics and its games have entered the line of confrontation with the Corona virus through its wide door. Also in this context, it should be noted that the Chinese vaccine “Sinovac” is effective in no more than 50.4%. The Ministry of Health and all other committees and technical health bodies must determine the feasibility of adopting similar vaccines and spending money on them.

Difficulty with Pfizer
Regarding the “Pfizer” vaccine, the head of the National Corona Vaccination Committee, Abdul Rahman Al-Bizri, who was assigned the task of distributing the vaccines after importing them, confirmed that “the actual countdown to receiving vaccines has started in the first half of February and may arrive in the first quarter. ” Of the month. “” Our problem is that Pfizer is not lenient with us on the financial issue, “Al-Bizri said in a television interview. He stressed that the vaccine will arrive gradually,” either from Pfizer or others, “adding that” there are similarities between the two vaccines, Pfizer and Moderna, and we are interested in AstraZeneca or the Chinese vaccine because they are easier in practice. “Is this reality an indication of the intention of the Lebanese state to adopt a different vaccine from Pfizer?

Storage capacity
At the technical level, Al-Bizri revealed that in Lebanon, “at least 20 refrigerators, and there is no problem with the storage capacity of the vaccines, and there is a mechanism to use the vaccines within 5 days of their arrival” , while other vaccines require less expensive storage capacities. Al-Bizri stressed that “the priority for vaccination is for workers in the health sector, especially those on the front line, the nurse and the paramedic before the doctor,” and denied any attempt by any political party to focus the process of vaccination in certain centers or regions, adding that “if there is any political interference it will be. We have the courage to reveal it.”

Private hospitals
With several private hospitals involved in the battle against the Corona virus, American University Hospital emergency department chief Evelyn Even said today that “equipping hospitals to receive Corona patients is expensive and requires a lot of effort, including training of nursing staff ”. He added that some health insurance companies do not cover Corona patients, stressing that “all energies must be activated in the medical sector, and you should not depend on a limited number of hospitals. And deaths will increase not because of Corona, but due to the impossibility of entering the hospital “. It is a belated admission of the role that dozens of private hospitals did not play until recently, almost a year after the arrival of Corona, and after official and social pressure. It is also worth noting the need to release funds from private hospitals from banks to allow them to establish or develop Corona departments, as these funds can be directly linked to the process of dealing with the virus within the actual restrictions that the Lebanese state imposes. to the accounts of the Lebanese in general.
