Hariri to preserve national unity and Diab | Al Anbaa Newspaper


Beirut – Omar Habanjar – Ahmed Ezzedine

It seems that the political divergence between President Michel Aoun and the president in charge of forming the government, Saad Hariri, has reached the brink of no return, after allowing personal qualities to be discussed, in councils closed in principle and open to the media. communication in its various mediums first.

Two opponents do not run a government, this is clear and true in the current Lebanese situation, but neither of these opponents can displace the other from his path, because each one has support and backing, both remotely and closely.

Until the beginning of this week, the President-designate toured the capitals of the international and Arab resolution, highlighting the size of his international relations, which can be used to the benefit of Lebanon, while President Aoun is sitting in the Baabda Palace, and only People from the house of the current are visited or visited, and as a treatment for this disparity was the tendency that arose to exist, beginning the day before yesterday, “To whom you cannot go, leave it in your hands.” Consequently, ambassadors from influential countries were invited, including the ambassador of the French initiative, Anne Greau, who appears to have met with the head of the Bloc of Loyalty to the Resistance, the MP Muhammad Raad, in the southern suburbs before his Ascent to the Republican Palace In response to President Aoun’s call, I saw lightning, as it was supposed to be the atmosphere of his visit to Moscow. In Baabda, I heard presidential speeches in support of the French initiative, unlike what Paris and its ambassador heard.

Representative sources revealed to Al-Anbaa about a tendency that the presidential team had, for President Aoun to send a letter to the House of Representatives, in which he requested to find a constitutional solution that would lead to the withdrawal of the mandate granted to Hariri in order to to form the government. The book is now prepared, and the President of the Council has been contacted. Representatives Nabih Berri in this regard, but the latter informed them that he refuses to receive any book of this type that contradicts the constitutional texts.

Sources said the presidential team was warned that opening that constitutional door could lead others to demand that the council withdraw the trust granted to President Aoun.

The sources indicated that a meeting was held in the Republican Palace headed by President Aoun and in the presence of the head of the movement, Gebran Bassil, and the Director General of Public Security, Major General Abbas Ibrahim, to discuss the repercussions of such a message on the president-designate. the meeting. The message was sent to the “former prime minister”, by means of a security forces cyclist.

In addition, the prime minister in charge of forming the government, Saad Hariri, stopped today on the eleventh anniversary of the government’s decision on February 18, 2010 to declare the Annunciation a national holiday, noting: “We wanted at that time, through this announcement, to focus on the commonalities between Christianity and Islam. “

Hariri recalled “what was dedicated on February 4, 2019 at the historic meeting in the United Arab Emirates between His Holiness Pope Francis and His Eminence the Grand Imam, Dr. Ahmed Al-Tayeb, Sheikh of Al-Azhar, by announcing the document “Human Brotherhood for Peace and World Coexistence” and what was repeated in the last meeting in Najaf Al-Ashraf, a few days ago, between Pope Francis and His Eminence, the Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani ”.

He said: “I hope this inclusive event continues to be a guide for all Lebanese by ensuring the priority of preserving their national unity and by referring sincere consciences to the justifications that required the emergence of this distinct entity, which for the last hundred years has He has overcome all kinds of challenges and has stood his ground, hoping that he will remain as the Pope described. The late John Paul II is greater than a nation, but rather a message for the East and the West. ”

Meanwhile, and in a notable change, the head of the interim government in Lebanon, Hassan Diab, said that the decision rests with Parliament regarding determining the maximum limit to the conduct of business with respect to the government that resigned, days after the Secretary General of Hezbollah proposed the idea of ​​reactivating the work of the resigned government in case of not being able to reach a new government.

Diab said in a statement yesterday that “the ongoing debate on the powers of the interim government confirms the need for a constitutional interpretation that defines the ceiling for conducting business and the role of the resigned government in light of the existing reality resulting from the delay in the formation of a new government. This interpretation is in the custody of the honorable parliament, which is the exclusive holder of this right, as previously stated by the council itself ”.

He stressed that the solution, 8 months after the resignation of his government, is to give priority to the formation of a new government, expressing regret for the failure of efforts to form a new government that puts Lebanon on the path of rescuing the financial, economic, social and living reality.

He said that things transcended the limits of logic, and the formation of the government turned into a national crisis, causing and exacerbating the suffering of the Lebanese in the face of this terrifying political turn in a vicious circle.

For his part, the vice president of Parliament, Elie Ferzli, said on the issue of the government: “It is in crisis and there are intentions not to facilitate the formation of the government,” while the deputy of the Lebanese Forces, Imad Wakim, ruled out that Hariri he would form a government the way Aoun wants, and he will not apologize, so the solution remains early parliamentary elections, while presidential adviser Antoine Constantine made it clear that President Aoun will do everything he can to form a government.

For his part, the Beirut deputy, Nihad Machnouk, met with Patriarch Bechara Al-Rai, considering that “the international conference that the latter convened is the only option to free Lebanon from Iranian political occupation.”
