Hariri resumes his movement towards Baabda … and Aoun is trying to transfer the procedural power to the “Supreme Defense”.


Under the headline: “Hariri is in his position and Aoun tries to transfer the procedural authority of the Defense Council,” Muhammad Choucair wrote in a newspaper.Middle East“: The president assigned to form the new government, Saad Hariri, is supposed to break his silence by resuming his step towards the President of the Republic Michel Aoun in the next two days, in an attempt to open a gap in the impasse with the one that collided with the consultations to accelerate the birth of the government, that can be established to remove the obstacles that were encountered. Its birth was delayed, and this is what I said – as Asharq Al-Awsat found out – to the former first Ministers Fouad Siniora and Tamam Salam, who met last night in the absence of President Najib Mikati, who is in London, and who reported that there is no interest in continuing in a vicious circle It is necessary to get the country out of the crisis.

While Hariri’s meeting with Siniora and Salam was completely confidential and took place away from the limelight, the deliberations that took place between them were kept secret, in a desire not to burn the sets, in order to facilitate the task of the designated President in his resumption of communication with the President of the Republic; Since crises lead to greater accumulation, and it is no longer permissible to extend waiting and waiting periods, it has become necessary to accelerate the formation of an important government that takes into account compliance with the specifications and political standards proposed by the French President Emmanuel Macron in his rescue initiative.

In this context, well-informed political sources revealed that Hariri has no interest in not taking action after he committed to the French initiative, and was in charge of adopting and implementing it to stop the economic and financial collapse, and said that he is aware of the responsibility that entails. Because keeping his hands tied will have a negative impact on him, and there is no escape for him except to facilitate the formation of the government.

He pointed out that Hariri is not in the process of arriving as a party in the continuous attempts to sidify the dispute over the formation of the government, nor to be drawn into the controversies that are intended to appear as a disagreement between Muslims and Christians, so it will not provide a service gratuitous to those who want to set up political ambushes to make him fall into the trap of sectarian tensions.

He emphasized that Hariri had prepared a list of the names of the ministers who would be nominated to enter a major government of 18 ministers, and that he would present it to President Aoun, and said that he adheres to French specifications and will not deviate from it. Because it maintains its commitment to the French initiative, and that its movement coincides with Macron’s movement, which continues to direct its political motives towards the international community and the Lebanese interior, to ensure a social safety net that provides protection to the future government and allows Lebanon to go from the impasse that still plagues it to detente.

The same sources believed that it is necessary to resume consultations between Hariri and Aoun to test the latter’s willingness to adhere to the French initiative on the one hand, and find out what is spreading that Hariri wanted to confiscate the Christian representation, and said that the President-designate avoided entering into a discussion with the President of the Republic about the decisions made by the Defense Council. The Supreme Court, although it agreed, along with Siniora and Salam, for violating the constitution and turning against it, and attributed the reason for its reluctance to respond to the fact that it does not plan to enter as a party in the sectarian environment, while preparing to resume author consultations with Aoun.

The sources revealed that Siniora and Salam discussed with Hariri the need to reduce the level of political tension with the president of the “Progressive Socialist Party” Walid Jumblatt, and not to get involved in parallel battles, confirming that, on the other hand, there is no truth in what the Aoun-affiliated political movement is spreading that Hariri does not favor acceleration in the formation of the government, and therefore, is waiting until the new president of the United States, Joe Biden, assumes his constitutional functions on the next 20 of January.

He said that with the formation of the government today, before tomorrow; Because the time factor is not in favor of losing opportunities to save the country, and he considered that it is not necessary to carry forward the discussion in the authorship consultations until after Macron made a third visit to Lebanon since the explosion that targeted the Beirut port on August 4.

He considered that the upcoming meeting between Hariri and Aoun goes beyond discovering his true intentions to determining the extent of the latter’s willingness to cooperate with him, in light of the assertion by a prominent representative of Asharq Al-Awsat that the Aoun’s political team and the head of the Free Patriotic Movement, MP Gebran Bassil, is pushing for a crisis. The atmosphere is sectarian and sectarian, leading to holding Hariri accountable and dealing with him on the assumption that it is impossible for him to become prime minister again.

The parliamentary source revealed that this same political team has become convinced that Basilio’s presidential luck has diminished. Not because of the sanctions imposed by the United States, but because of the lack of political chemistry between it and all the parties except “Hezbollah”, and said that this team prepared an alternative plan based on the need to provide all the conditions for its transformation into a leader. Christian.

He claimed that Aoun not only supports the return of Hariri, to make room for his successor to form the government, but also does not favor floating the resigned government by expanding the scope of business conduct. He said he is pressing for the transfer of the powers of the procedural authority to the Supreme Defense Council, although he believes that such procedure violates the constitution. And the same source considered that Aoun continues to behave as he did during his tenure as prime minister of the military government, either by canceling or limiting others. But this time, through the Defense Council, which, in his opinion, will replace the resigned government.

He pointed out that this political team is trying, at its intersection with the “Lebanese Forces” party, in a series of situations, in particular the scrutiny of the accounts of the Bank of Lebanon, compliance with the current electoral law and the rejection of the law. general amnesty, to reestablish their alliance with him by reviving the “Maarab Declaration”. But this intersection remains temporary and circumstantial, and will not develop to renew their alliance.

Consequently, the “forces” will remain on the lookout for Bassil, and will not participate in his chariot, just as Hariri will block the way of those who plan the doctrine of the formation of a government, and will not allow himself to be drawn into campaigns of sectarian incitement, putting all their papers in the basket of the French initiative.
