Hariri presents the de facto government


The counterattacks of the economic-financial collapse and the formation of the government are rushing to exhaust the country that is just around the corner from the explosion, while its people are suffocated by two threads: one is a local that threatens to lose the social safety net by withdrawing support for basic products, and another regional and international connected to a confrontation throughout the region. On the list of those besieged internationally to subjugate it. Faced with this reality, the political forces are still trying to invest in time and trying to suggest that they are striving to form a government, to remove responsibility behind their backs before the visit of French President Emmanuel Macron to Lebanon. This is what prompted Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri to resume his activities at the beginning of the week, after a hiatus of more than 15 days, for which he visited Baabda last Monday, and then repeated the visit yesterday wearing a new formation of government of 18 ministers with names and the distribution of portfolios between sects and powers.

Verbally, Hariri, leaving the meeting with the President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, wanted to suggest that there is some solution, saying that Aoun “promised me that he would study the training and that we would return and meet.” The atmosphere is positive and there is much hope in the formation of the government to rebuild Beirut “, while the information crossed when” the disparities remain the same “, since sources familiar with the environment of the meeting indicated that” Hariri named in his formation all Christian ministers, and appointed Hezbollah ministers without extraditing him. The party proposes the names it proposes to select, as previously agreed with it, and also appointed a diplomat affiliated with former deputy Walid Jumblatt to assume the chancellorship, although the latter clearly stated his rejection of this ministry. Even when the president of the republic told him there was no objection to giving Jumblatt health or education, he remained firm in his opinion. Accordingly, the sources ask: “How can someone who wants to form a government add to the disputes with the Christians two more disputes with the Shiites and the Druze?” Other sources said: “Hariri has returned the inner portfolio that Aoun demands to be from the ‘future’ part, which will be taken over by Nicolas Habr. He assigned five Christian ministers to be appointed by Aoun, and three Christian ministers for the Marada Movement, the Syrian Social Nationalist Party and the Tashnak Party. This was rejected by Aoun, “who proposed a counter-formation, during which the portfolios and ministries were distributed among the sects without including any names.” While Hariri instructed his “group” to filter an optimistic atmosphere, and Jumblatt tweeted that he was “waiting for the white smoke”, Baabda sources confirmed that “the atmosphere of the meeting was normal”, which was reflected in a statement from the Palace Republican stating that “President Aoun agreed with Hariri to study the proposals.” Introductory and follow-up consultation to address the differences between these proposals.
In this context, prominent political circles pointed out that “the climate surrounding the composition process is still very slow, and it is like throwing the ball between two parties, each aware of the weaknesses of the other, and the duel between them is even more intense”. Furthermore, the hard data shows that writing takes time and that what Hariri presented is not serious. The most obvious of this is that Hezbollah did not give any name to Hariri, unlike the Speaker of Parliament Nabih Berri, while Al-Akhbar learned that “the day before yesterday there were contacts between Hariri and the Socialist Party, in which there was an exchange of some names and an initial agreement that Walid Jumblatt obtains a minister in the government, with two portfolios: Foreign Relations and Agriculture.

Hariri reinstalled the Interior Ministry as part of his part and appointed Nicolas Haber to take over.

It should be noted that in the Republican Palace, the atmosphere was marked after Hariri’s visit last Monday, with some optimism, after it seemed that the designated president had returned to the “natural way of forming governments”, when consulting the names with the President of the Republic as a full member in the composition, not as a recipient of what the designated president wanted. Thus, yesterday the date was set on the basis that Hariri will receive from the President of the Republic an integrated proposal that includes a distribution of portfolios between sects and sects, in accordance with the rules of jurisdiction, and is “based on a proposal that Hariri himself had previously submitted. ” Therefore, it was agreed to meet yesterday to study Aoun’s proposal, and agree on the distribution and then the names. “You cannot name a fetus if you do not know if it is male or female.” But the president-designate yesterday “summed up” the issues with each other, indicating that he “continues to shirk.” He brought an assortment to Baabda, appointed all his ministers, and distributed his bags as he wished. The description of the “de facto government” cannot be applied to anything insofar as it applies to what Hariri presented to Aoun yesterday.

Hariri is concerned about the opening of corruption files affecting the municipality of Beirut, “Middle East” and “Development and Reconstruction”

From outside the Baabda Palace, the atmosphere was more tense between Aoun and the rest of the forces, due to the opening of corruption files, “whose objective is to settle accounts with specific political forces,” according to their circles. In this context, Al-Akhbar learned that meetings are taking place in Beit al-Wasat, Ain al-Tina and Clemenceau to respond to this matter, but Hariri is the most “fearful” of them so he He was transferred in regards to preparing to open files affecting the Beirut Municipality, the Council for Development and Reconstruction, the Middle East Company, and many more. Of the institutions managed by affiliates. Even some of those around him fear that this step will weaken Hariri and push him to engage in the issue of government formation and to grant what Aoun wants.

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