Hariri: I am the French initiative … and the government is me


Saad Hariri was no different than what the Lebanese are used to. All the marketing attempts before its appearance did not match the content of what it announced. He started out as a newcomer to political life or (with some exaggeration) as an Orientalist. He wanted to reproduce the “character” of French President Emmanuel Macron. Or perhaps he wanted to speak in the language of his brother Bahaa, who presented himself as a “revolutionary” against corruption and against Hezbollah, and a renewal of Lebanese political life.

I am the solution
It is possible to build on what Hariri said, with two positions, only two. He is a permanent candidate for prime minister and “nobody is beautiful”, and whoever opposes him, or objects to his performance, or points to a comment, is a “bidder” and a treasonous project or is not a patriot.
He reiterated his candidacy for prime minister on two occasions and expressed his willingness to make the necessary contacts, in case the French plan and the IMF are approved, and he would not close the door. He continued to present his credentials as a man who did not want to leave the country in the face of collapse, nor that the country was upset by a dispute over the Ministry of Finance, and that he did not mind giving it to the Shiite duo.
He said he had no new data, but he wanted to say what he had. What he had was that he was more prepared than ever to head the government! The question remains, if there is an environment or the international situation that gives it the green light.

French efforts?
Even these two positions are not new in Hariri’s dictionary, although they clearly appeared this time. He did not renew his positions that he had previously made through his statements or leaks from his sources, that he was not a candidate for prime minister. In his television appearance, it was not possible to launch such a position, because time is short, and the search for an agreement reassigning him to the presidency of the government is actually going through some of the scenarios, and is waiting for new French efforts with the United States of America and Saudi Arabia to ensure the approval of his assumption of government, Hezbollah will definitely join him. From here on, Hariri was careful to maintain the “return” line, despite his criticism of the party.
His stance on the Sunnis around him confirmed that he could not see anyone else as prime minister. The experience of Muhammad al-Safadi, Bahij Tabbara, Samir al-Khatib and even Mustafa Adib (not to mention Hassan Diab) is the best evidence of this. Just by saying that he is a candidate to head the government without the favor of anyone, referring to his parliamentary bloc, he means that he invoked his Sunni parliamentary force, to indicate that he is the most legitimate representative of the Sunni community according to the equations raised. And he completed his idea that he was willing to make contacts in the coming days to see the commitment of the parties to the French initiative. This talk has two interpretations: either he has delegated instead of the French to follow up on his initiative, or he wants to make contacts in search of a specific settlement. Here, we must go back to what he said on Monday, that Aoun may call for parliamentary consultations in the coming days. These data were not available to any other official, even President Nabih Berri used to say that nothing will happen before next week. That is, after the first negotiation session on the demarcation of the border.

Basil approach
Perhaps to clarify why Hariri was aware of Aoun’s call for consultations, it is necessary to trust what was revealed that he had contacted the head of the Free Patriotic Movement, Gebran Bassil, to verify his health after being infected with the Coronavirus . This connection must be carefully examined. We must wait for what will appear of its content later. But it definitely has something to do with what Hariri knew before other politicians, especially when he indicated that the Free Patriotic Movement must decide whether to go east or west. It is an indication of what Hariri and the movement can find again, on the impact of the US sanctions, which can change the positions of the Aounists, thus converging as they converged before he resigned from the Ministry of Finance, and when Aoun refused to dedicate it to any sect.

Border negotiations and internal settlement
The most important thing Hariri examined were the border demarcation negotiations, which clearly turned into direct negotiations between Hezbollah and the Americans. Therefore, he does not want to be away from the scene and the image, and he is facing or opposing Hezbollah. Opening the door more to some constitutional amendments. In an attempt to anticipate any changes in the political or constitutional balance that events may impose in the future, with the outcome of these negotiations and what will follow. Discuss the issue of weapons and what will be the political counterpart, and the equation of the political system.

While Hariri continues to talk about the need to go to a settlement, because Lebanon faces two options, he says: either continue the obstruction and wait for major events to occur where it is forced to enter a settlement , or the choice of settlement to shorten the time. And he definitely chooses the compromise, and attacks all who criticize him, knowing that in his attempts to justify the compromise, he uses the tone of escalation. This time, he “found out” that Hezbollah is the owner of an external project! He also included the Amal movement, unlike his vision of the movement. The same applies to his position in the Free Patriotic Movement and Gebran Bassil’s positions, knowing that he has entered many settlements with them, and is still ready, and he will not close the door.

The problem with Saad Hariri is that he cannot wait in politics, knowing that it is the art of waiting. He doesn’t deal with it except as a tourist.

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