Hariri expects a double insurance policy: Statico Shell | Phalanges


Abyan, Baabda, Haret Hreik, and between Washington and Riyadh, Lebanon will remain without a government.

In an unenviable position, the prime minister in charge of forming the government, Saad Hariri, was or was placed in it. Shortly after Ambassador Mustafa Adeeb apologized and then assigned him the arduous task following an objection that was not hidden by the Pact and his political team, he bet that the “cup of poison” that he swallowed while delivering the bag of money for the benefit of the Shiite team, for once, would free their hand in government and free the formation they “disgusted”. Adib, to undertake the first steps of the French rescue initiative, and he was surprised that this “cup of poison” would raise in his face the supreme bulwark of the ally of the Shiite party, the Free Patriotic Movement and the President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, who refuses to grant privileges to others who deny him for others to nominate their ministers, while the crumbs are left in the hands of the presidential team demanding a full assortment of portfolios and names, including the ministers of the Shiite duo, and this is your right.

Regardless of whether what is happening is part of the distribution of “obstructive” roles among those who do not adapt to the formation of the government before the regional international scene clears up, and specifically with US President-elect Joe Biden assuming the reins of the power to show his political orientations, an external American barricade was erected in Hariri’s face on the formative front. – A Saudi represented by Washington reaching the level of its sanctions, the political front row cooperating with Hezbollah, directing the arrow towards the president’s son-in-law and the head of the current that led him to Baabd, Representative Gebran Bassil on the one hand, and the Gulf in general and the withdrawal of Saudi Arabia in general from Lebanon and the beginning of a wave of tough measures, the last of which will be the retention of visas. The entry of the Lebanese into the United Arab Emirates and the “towed rope” according to the expectations of the opposite side, which means this barricade of economic aid that will supposedly form the lung and the breathing space of the project to save Lebanon, within the initiative French.

On this site, Hariri lies today, waiting for a double insurance policy that will open the government crossing, his conditions are not ready until now, as long as he does not put in his political dictionary just thinking of an apology according to what the information was leaked from the Casa del Centro, and he’s probably right, provided he is so far. The first horse in the government’s career, capable of performing a surgical rescue in Lebanon, for a number of considerations. However, observers in political circles told Al-Markaziyah that today they are caught between a refusal to apologize and an inability to train. If he meets the conditions of the interior by making more concessions to President Aoun, he will form a government that resembles the current business banker, rejected by the Americans, Saudis and Sunnis from within, so the financial balance will not be straightened, the financial balance will be retained. help and penalties may affect you.

Between Baabda and Haret Hreik, and between Washington and Riyadh, Lebanon will remain without a government. Prime Minister Hariri is studying his options, his circles tell “Central,” but monitoring circles express their belief that he will not risk a government in which he clashes with the aforementioned equation. And before Biden entered the White House on January 20, 2021, the flexibility of the Democratic president and his good relationship with his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron provided the US cover for a minimalist bailout government, which Lebanon would not receive. the blessing of the government.

Source: Central News Agency
