Hariri begins the task of forming the Lebanese government in a positive environment


The parliamentary consultations that Mr. Saad Hariri, the head of the Lebanese government appointed with the parliamentary blocs to form the new government, started here today.

Hariri began his non-binding parliamentary consultations to form a government, in the House of Representatives, with his meeting with Mr. Nabih Berri, Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament and Head of the Development and Liberation Bloc.

The correspondent of the Qatar News Agency in Lebanon reported that there was a positive atmosphere in the course of the formation of the government, according to the statements of the representatives of the parliamentary blocs after the meeting with Hariri, highlighting the need to accelerate the formation of a government capable of implementing reforms to lift Lebanon out of the financial and economic crisis amid deteriorating living conditions.

Representative Anwar al-Khalil, member of the Development and Liberation Bloc (which represents the Amal Movement in the Lebanese Parliament), highlighted the importance of speeding up the formation of a specialized government that includes reform clauses, especially in the electrical archive, then that only this sector acquired 62 percent of the total public debt of the state.

For his part, Representative Gebran Bassil, head of the powerful Lebanese bloc (representing the Free Patriotic Movement in Parliament), highlighted the need to form a government that implements the reform program in accordance with the French initiative.

Bassil expressed the commitment of his bloc to facilitate Hariri’s tasks to stop the collapse in Lebanon and overcome this difficult stage, highlighting that the strong Lebanese bloc does not require any conditions other than the existence of unified standards for all components of the formation process. .

In turn, Mr. Elie Ferzli, Deputy Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament, stressed the need to form a government of independent specialists based on positive understanding between Hariri and the deputies.

The non-binding parliamentary consultations conducted by Hariri took place at Parliament’s headquarters, amid tight security in the vicinity of Parliament.

According to the Lebanese constitution, the designated prime minister conducts parliamentary consultations to form the government and signs the decree that forms it with the president of the republic.

The government must present its ministerial declaration to the House of Representatives to obtain confidence within thirty days following the date of issuance of the decree that constitutes it.

The government does not exercise its powers before it gains confidence, nor after it has resigned or is deemed to have resigned, except to do business.
Yesterday, Mr. Saad Hariri was assigned to form the new Lebanese government, after Dr. Mustafa Adeeb, the Lebanese prime minister-designate announced on September 26 that he had apologized for continuing with the task of forming the new government in amidst the difficulties encountered in the process of forming his government around ministerial portfolios.

Since October 17 last year, Lebanon has witnessed unprecedented popular demonstrations that began calling for an improvement in the standard of living, and later became calls for the exit of the political class in light of the economic crisis and in the country and the rise in the exchange rate of the dollar against the national currency (the lira).
