Greater concern for employee safety


The Office of the Minister of Information in the interim government, Manal Abdul-Samad Najd, issued a statement saying: “There was a news item in the Al-Akhbar newspaper in its issue published today January 6, 2021, under the title of minister who refuses to stone ”.

He added: “It is important for the office to clarify that the Minister of Information is very interested in the safety of employees, as she takes all the necessary precautions to preserve her health and the health of her small family, and the health of employees and those who work with her in the Ministry of Information who are considered her large family. She is one of the first to take the initiative to issue a decision. The need to adhere to preventive guidelines and adhere to them, in addition to holding a meeting of awareness on the epidemic for employees within the ministry on March 5, that is, from the first days of the first case in the country, and launch awareness campaigns continuously in cooperation with international organizations. In productivity, many times virtual meetings and meetings are held remotely through the Zoom app.

He concluded: “This news is totally and completely false, and its aim is to undermine the reputation of the minister, who works conscientiously and responsibly. We hope that the aforementioned newspaper takes care to transmit the correct news to preserve its credibility, and that it return to the minister or his office to inquire about any subject, and it is always.
