Great difficulties hamper the promised Corona vaccine | Phalanges


Sources familiar with the Corona virus vaccine speak of the difficulties of transporting and storing Pfizer and Biontech vaccines around the world, as it needs a very low temperature to store it.

The Al-Akhbar newspaper indicated a great logistical challenge that may prevent the availability of the Corona vaccine, which the American “Pfizer” and the German “Biontech” announced will soon be within their reach; Since this vaccine, which has been shown to have a high efficacy rate of more than 90%, must be stored at low temperatures ranging from 70 to 80 degrees below zero, which will be extremely difficult to transport, distribute and store throughout the world.
Yesterday, the Reuters news agency quoted the chief executive of the German company, Ugur Sahin, that the vaccine spoils in five days if stored in refrigerators whose temperature is slightly above zero degrees Celsius, which is what the vaccine uses. most hospitals around the world. Amish Adalia, chief investigator at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Safety, said: “The cooling task will be one of the most difficult aspects of the distribution of this vaccine. This will be a great challenge, because hospitals, even in large cities, do not have facilities to store the vaccine at very low temperatures ”. Even the Mayo Clinic, one of the most prestigious hospitals in the United States and in the world, declared that it did not have this capacity to store the vaccine.
Meanwhile, medical centers in the United States, according to the Al-Akhbar newspaper, began looking for special refrigerators and large storage capacity, in an attempt to anticipate the next problem should the vaccine Pfizer and Biontech win approval from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Even if these refrigerators are reliable, there will still be a problem in transporting the vaccine by land, sea and air to various countries around the world.
Furthermore, CNN reported that the current results, despite their positive results, are still preliminary. The CEO of “Pfizer”, Albert Burla, said in an interview with the US network that it is not yet known how much immunity provided by the vaccine remains inside the human body, and it is necessary to follow up for two years. But he expressed optimism that immunity could last a year or several months, hinting that re-vaccinations might be necessary every year to maintain sustainable immunity against Corona. Burla also noted that it is unclear how the vaccine will work in older age groups or with severe cases of Covid-19. In turn, the channel’s medical correspondent, Dr. Sanji Gupta, considered the vaccine as a step on the right path, but demanded to be patient and wait for additional data.

Source: News
