Great Britain introduces another new variety of Corona!


The British Health Minister confirmed that his country had discovered another new strain of the Corona virus in two patients in Britain, indicating that the new strain had a link to South Africa.

British Health Minister Matt Hancock told a news conference at the ministry’s Downing Street headquarters on Wednesday that the two cases were in contact with people who had arrived in the country from South Africa in recent weeks.

Both those with the new “mutated Corona virus” and those who had contact with them were quarantined, according to Sky News.

Hancock said: “This new mutated virus is very concerning because it is more transmissible and appears to have mutated more than the mutated virus that appeared days ago in Britain.”

The Health Minister said the government is “incredibly grateful to the South African government for the precision of its scientific research, the openness and transparency with which it acted, as we did when we discovered a new mutated virus here.”

The discovery of the first new strain of the epidemic was announced in early December and is believed to have started in September in the “Kent” region of south-eastern England.

The tension sparked global panic and led to Britain’s isolation from the world, after dozens of countries closed flights and airspace to British flights.

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