Government of Lebanon | The “financial” complex is increasing … and probably a polite apology


After he agreed with President Michel Aoun at the Lebanese presidential palace in Baabda, to complete consultations on his new government formation, ambiguity still dominates the future of Mustafa Adib’s government, especially after reports of disagreements were reported over sovereign portfolios.

Amid French pressure and Arab and Lebanese anticipation, consultations to form a new government continue in Lebanon, and this occurs at a time when Beirut witnessed a position of protest demanding that the army implement the international resolution on the “illegal” disarmament in the country.

The Free Patriotic Movement confirmed its rejection of what it called the “beatification” of any ministry for any sect of the government that Mustafa Adeeb was assigned to lead and form, proposing an experiment in the distribution of sovereign ministries among the smaller sects.

According to Arab media, the movement announced that it refuses to consider facilitating the birth of the government as a consecration of norms that grant ministries to specific sects or political parties, and affirmed its commitment to forming a government capable of achieving the required reform program.

The movement also confirmed its refusal to “impose its signature on the Lebanese outside the constitution, or impose others that do not have a parliamentary majority or a letter to nominate ministers in the government.”

The “Free Patriotic Movement” stressed that it would not be subjected to external pressure or the threat of sanctions, and rejected what it described as the dominance of one party over the Lebanese, regardless of their power or strength abroad.

The formation of the new government faces a great obstacle, which is the insistence of the two largest Shiite parties (Amal Movement and Hezbollah) to retain the Ministry of Finance in the government, appointing this couple of ministers who will occupy the portfolio, in addition to participate in the appointment of their representatives by presenting a list of names to Adeeb to elect ministers. The Shiite sect.

On the other hand, Adeeb adheres to the principle of “rotation” in the sovereign, basic and service portfolios among the different sects, in addition to forming a mini-government of specialists (experts) independent of the forces, currents and political parties.

Earlier, former Lebanese Prime Ministers Saad Hariri, Najib Mikati, Tammam Salam and Fouad Siniora confirmed that French President Emmanuel Macron’s initiative constitutes an important opportunity that should be invested in accelerating government formation to prevent Lebanon from collapsing and suffering conflict, such as describe.

Former heads of government urged the prime minister in charge of forming the government, Mustafa Adeeb, to adhere to their full powers to form a government as soon as possible, in consultation with the president of the Republic and under the roof of the constitution.

Lebanese political leaders and leaders pledged to Macron, who visited Beirut earlier this month, that the new government would be formed in a short period of no more than 15 days, that it would be composed of ministers who were efficient and that it would be supported. of all political forces, in addition to their approval of the “road map”. The French proposal to save Lebanon, which includes “recycling” in all ministries and does not exclude any sect in any ministerial portfolio.

For its part, the “International Group in Support of Lebanon” called on political leaders to act decisively and in a spirit of responsibility to prioritize Lebanon’s national interest by forming an effective and credible government as soon as possible to begin implementing the reforms. necessary.

The “International Support Group for Lebanon” affirmed, in a joint statement to its members on Saturday, that the reforms the new government is expected to undertake will address the challenges facing Lebanon and respond to the legitimate aspirations and needs expressed by the people. .

The “International Support Group for Lebanon” includes the United Nations and the governments of the United States of America, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, China, the European Union and the League of Arab States.

The group was launched in September 2013 to mobilize support and assistance for the stability and sovereignty of Lebanon and state institutions, especially to encourage support for the Lebanese Armed Forces, Syrian refugees in Lebanon, and host communities. Lebanese, and government programs and public services affected by the Syrian crisis.

On the other hand, statements and developments, the Maronite Patriarch Cardinal Mar Bechara Boutros Al-Rahi asked: In what capacity does a sect claim a certain ministry as if it were its own, and obstruct the formation of the government, until it achieves its objectives, at the same time What causes political paralysis, and economic, financial and life damage? Where has the triangular agreement of political forces for reform become: a miniature salvation government, independent specialists with political experience and rotating portfolios? If we go back to article 95 of the constitution that was amended by the Taif Agreement, we read explicitly in paragraph B: “The functions of the first category, including ministries, will be shared equally between Christians and Muslims without assigning any of them to any sect, respecting the principles of competition and competition “.

And he added in Sunday’s sermon through statements to the Lebanese daily An-Nahar: Is this article modified on sight, or is it imposed by some force or intimidation? This is unacceptable in our diverse Lebanese democratic system. So, what constitutional science allows the monopoly of a ministerial portfolio? We reject privatization and monopoly, a constitutional, non-sectarian rejection, and our rejection is not directed at a specific sect, but at a heresy that contradicts the concept of equality between ministries and sects, and undermines the national alliance in its documentary dimension and unitary with the objective of establishing the dominance of an independent group over a lost state.

Meanwhile, the MP Jamil Al-Sayed commented, through his Twitter account, on the statement of the former prime ministers, “Declaration of Siniora Mikati Salam Hariri” on Mustafa Adib to adhere to his full powers to form the government lo as soon as possible, in consultation with the president in accordance with the constitution !! Four, you ruled for 14 years, and you participated in the quota system and corruption with others, you invoked the constitution and it took several months to form your governments, and you demanded from Adeeb the opposite of what you did … hypocrites. According to the current site of Lebanon.

In another context, the London daily Al-Sharq Al-Awsat reported today, Sunday, that there are those who are advising French President Emmanuel Macron to appease the Lebanese “Shiite duo” (Amal Movement and Hezbollah) by keeping the Finance Ministry on his side. , provided that the president in charge chooses the name of the Shiite minister who will occupy this portfolio, in order to proceed with the formation of the new Lebanese government.

However, the newspaper pointed out that such a proposal would inevitably be rejected not only by former heads of government, but by most parties that support the application of the rotation in the distribution of bags, including Hezbollah allies.

The newspaper quoted political sources as saying that such advice will lead to the setting of a precedent aimed at confirming to the Finance Ministry of Shiite involvement, leading to its legislation, but with Macron’s signature this time, and this constitutes a violation of the constitution and a coup against the Taif Agreement.

He noted that the exit from the impasse in the negative sense of the word in the event that Macron hits a dead end, will not be without the apology of Prime Minister-designate Mustafa Adeeb for forming the government. Because the foundations have been laid and the entry to its commission does not proceed.

Consequently, the same sources hope that Adib’s apology for forming the government will take precedence over other options. He may present President General Michel Aoun with a book on this matter early next week, unless Macron makes a breakthrough in persuading the “Shiite duo” to amend their position.

It is noteworthy that two days ago, last Thursday, Lebanese Prime Minister-designate Mustafa Adib announced that he had agreed with President Michel Aoun to continue his consultations in order to form a government, in a last attempt to dispel the obstacles that prevented him from giving to birth despite the end of the “term” for their training.
