Government formation: communications are cut off


The indicators of the last hours in the country confirmed what was rumored that the formation of the new government stagnates in the circle of tension, and that the statements of optimism that are launched from time to time are nothing more than the result that the political components are unaware of the reality of the deliberations, in addition to the confusion of Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri with his decisions and his downfall. In the trap of its contradictory promises to the president of the republic and the blocs, this provokes the struggle for the distribution of portfolios and the appointment of ministers. This path that Hariri follows revealed early on that the positive atmosphere that swelled in the course of authorship immediately after the assignment, and suggested the possibility of his birth in a few days, was fabricated and hidden behind attempts to bend the arms between Hariri, on the one hand, and on the other, between President Michel Aoun and the head of a coalition. Strong Lebanon »MP Gebran Bassil, and this is what he withdrew in the course of discussions with the rest of the parties, since a knot would topple any other agreement, and the modification of a portfolio or a name requires a modification of the rest of the wallets.

While waiting for the prime minister-designate to land yesterday at the Baabda Palace, carrying a “primary” formation with him, there was no meeting between him and Aoun, reflecting a real crisis that circles familiar with the authorship file are returning to the agent of the Prime Minister Hariri with a double standard. What he reached now is the reason why “the latter did not keep the promises he made to Aoun.” When he visited him in recent days, “he assured the President of the Republic that he was willing to cooperate with him to the fullest and that he would not oppose any request he wanted, but Aoun was shocked after Hariri Now puts fatwas on the names proposed by the president of the republic and conditions, to the point that Aoun, in his sessions, accuses him of evasion ”.
The complex of Christian representation is not linked exclusively to the participation of Aoun and the association of the National Movement. Rather, it goes beyond Hariri’s insistence on obtaining a Christian ministerial position, which means that the participation of the President of the Republic (and the Free Patriotic Movement) in the government will be reduced to 4 positions in a government of 18 ministers. (two ministers of the Marada) Minister of the Nationalists, Minister of Tashnak, Minister of Hariri). And this battle is not the only one that hinders authorship, in light of side battles. The author’s sources expressed surprise at the discrepancy in the information from Baabda and Wadi Abu Jameel, and according to the team of both the presidents of the republic and the government, “Both parties present false news”, as in exchange for the discussion In “Bayt Al-Wasat” on an agreement on a government of 18 ministers, Baabda sources assure that the president of the republic “is open to this option, but it has not yet been decided.” Parallel to confirming “Hariri’s acceptance of giving aid to the Ministries of Justice, Defense and the Interior, close collaborators of the prime minister deny the matter, and deny their acceptance of handing over the Ministry of Energy to the national movement.” This duplication enraged Aoun, “who came to this atmosphere at a time when he was looking for the name of the Minister of the Interior.”

There was no recorded meeting between Hariri and Aoun in the last few hours.

Among the obstacles that also stand in the way of drafting, according to political sources, are “the demand of the Marada movement for two portfolios, one of which is the Ministry of Communications”, and the insistence of the president of the Socialist Party, Walid Jumblatt, “in the ministries of health and social affairs as Hariri promised.” While “Al-Akhbar” learned that “MP Talal Arslan is complaining about President Aoun”, considering that he “overthrew him out of government”, it was clear that Hariri “is isolated from everyone, as he does not speak to Hezbollah. nor with the Amal Movement, and he is also avoiding communication with Jumblatt. ” As the last contact in this regard was with Representative Wael Abu Faour last Thursday, when the latter initiated contact with Hariri ”, and has not contacted the“ Khalileans ”for more than ten days. The absence of communications about authorship was striking yesterday.

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