Google offers one of its paid services for free to all users


Google has announced that one of its previously paid services was made available free of charge to all of its users.

The site “Telangana Today” said that Google’s video conferencing service “Google Mate” has become free for all users, after it was previously restricted to subscribers of the commercial package “G-Suite”. It will be “available” to all users worldwide to enable people from all walks of life to communicate, collaborate, and stay in touch more effectively during the epidemic.
And Google emphasized the security and reliability features of the MEET software associated with cloud computing services from the California-based giant group.

The use of telecommunications or video conferencing services has skyrocketed in recent weeks in light of the need for home users to remotely work, learn, or socialize during the quarantine period to combat the Covid-19 epidemic.

Many people are reported to have turned to the “Zoom” program, which faced problems related to data piracy or electronic harassment, in the form of breaches of user communications by hackers.

Users must create free Google accounts to participate in the conferences, which will be limited to sixty minutes from the end of September.

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