Goodbye “Flash Player” .. This is what “Adobe” asked its users


Last update: 1 – January – 2021 21:01

On Friday, the “Adobe” software company stopped updating the “Adobe Flash Player” media player and asked users to uninstall the program before permanently stopping it on the 12th of this month.

The program, which was first launched in 1996 and allowed content creators to add animation and games to web pages, is no longer popular after failing to keep pace with the development of the Internet and the shift from people to smart phones.

The player helped the first versions of sites like YouTube.

Security concerns affected his popularity as he struggled to keep up with the development of Internet technology.

The ending of Flash recalls an open letter Steve Jobs had previously written criticizing the show and outlining the reasons why it wouldn’t allow him to work on Apple products.

Other brands also shied away from the program, leading the company to end the program on websites and mobile phones after multiple problems.

Flash was the coup de grace in 2014 when HTML5 was released, a program that enables many of the same functions as Flash, but does not require users to install any plug-ins.

Major companies like YouTube, Facebook, and Netflix stopped using the show, and its popularity with Google users dropped to less than 17 percent in 2017, after reaching 80 percent in the past. .
