Good news from France about the crown!


France recorded 70 deaths within 24 hours of the emerging coronavirus, the lowest daily number since the imposition of a home quarantine on March 17, the Directorate-General for Health announced on Sunday, the eve of the start of the reduction in measures. of isolation.

This brings the total number in the country to at least 26,380 deaths, while the pressure on emergency departments in hospitals decreases with the number of patients in them decreasing by 36 of 2776 serious cases in the serious departments of Ani, according to the daily ration from the Health Department.

The total death toll was 16,642 deaths (an increase of 69) in hospitals and 9,738 (an increase in one person’s death) in social medical institutions, including nursing homes that were directly affected by the Covid-19 epidemic .

22569 patients are still hospitalized (45 regression).

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