Good news for those recovering from Corona .. “You will not get infected more than once”


Research is conflicting about the extent of immunity acquired after infection with Covid 19, after several studies claimed that immunity against Corona ends quickly, two new studies provided encouraging evidence that infection with the emerging virus may provide a great protection against future infections.

The researchers found that people who developed antibodies to the Corona virus were less likely to be re-infected with the virus over a period of up to more than six months, as reported by the Associated Press.

The first study was conducted by researchers at the US National Cancer Institute and included more than 3 million people who had undergone antibody tests. The researchers found that only 0.3% of those who had antibodies to the virus at the start of the study were re-infected.


For his part, Dr. Ned Sharpples, director of the institute, said that people who have antibodies from a natural infection “have a much lower risk of re-infection, which is the same type of protection they can get after receiving a effective vaccine “.

He also added that it is very rare to get infected more than once.

The other study was conducted by researchers at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom and included more than 12,000 health workers in British hospitals.

The British researchers found that of 1,265 people who had antibodies to the virus at the start of the study, only two were re-infected in the following six months and had no symptoms.

Promising results

These results may be especially promising for vaccines developed against Corona, which stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies to eliminate the virus.

Furthermore, a Reuters census showed that more than 78.69 million people were infected with the emerging coronavirus worldwide, while the total number of deaths resulting from the virus reached 1 million and 731,528.

HIV infections have been recorded in more than 210 countries and regions since the first cases were discovered in China in December 2019.

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