“Global Health”: The “Crown” Pandemic Will Not Be the Last … and the World Is Not Prepared for a Showdown


Today Sunday, the World Health Organization (WHO) warned that the “emerging corona” virus will not be the last, highlighting that attempts to improve human health are doomed to failure.

In a recorded speech on the occasion of “International Day of Preparedness for Epidemics”, the Director General of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanum Ghebreyesus, said: “It is difficult to believe that Covid-19 was unknown to us so long ago. just one year. Our world has been turned upside down in 12 months. Past. “

And he stressed that “the repercussions of the pandemic are beyond the scope of the disease itself, and it has far-reaching consequences for societies and economies,” saying: “All of this should not be a surprise, and for many years there have been multiple reports, investigations and guidelines that said that the world is not prepared to face any problem. pandemic”.

In a video message, Gebresus denounced what he called “dangerous myopia, which consists of resorting to money in cases of epidemic outbreaks, without taking any action in preparation for the next pandemic.”

Ghebreyesus warned that “the pandemic will not be the last epidemic crisis in the world and that attempts to improve human health are doomed to failure. Without dealing with climate change or animals.

He added: “For a long time, the world has worked in a cycle of panic and contempt … We are wasting money in the event of an outbreak, and when it ends, we forget about it and do nothing to prevent the next outbreak … This is a dangerous deficiency and, frankly, difficult to understand. “

He continued: “We must all learn several lessons from that pandemic, and all countries must invest in alert capabilities. In order to prevent, monitor and mitigate all types of emergencies, whether caused by naturally occurring epidemics or intentional events ”.

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