Get back to normal life today … Coronavirus cases will peak in the next two months!


Today, the country is returning to normal after the two-week isolation decision. In practice, this return does not mean that things are going well with the Corona virus, since what is happening today is a reality that has no alternative, especially given the failure that accompanied the two weeks of closure and the failure of the competent authorities to find alternatives to curb the upward trend in HIV infections.

This was evident in the meeting of the Ministerial Committee in charge of the Coronavirus that took place yesterday to evaluate what happened in the last two weeks, in addition to discussing the gradual exit plan developed by the Ministry of Public Health. There were two streams in the session, one of which refused to reopen the country at once, proposing to choose the sectors that should open, and the other stream took the European model as an approach to opening the country and living with the virus , as in France and Great Britain.

In the end, the decisions came out as a whole in tune with the trends of the second current, so it was decided to promote the “general closure beyond ten o’clock at night”, provided that this is accompanied by a curfew from eleven at night until five in the morning. Regarding the return, the Ministerial Committee gave the green light for schools to return to integrated education (both face-to-face and remote), and for most economic sectors, such as shops and restaurants, which had a 50% occupancy, while that nightclubs and bars were excluded from the return. Among the decisions is also the abolition of the “single and double” system in the circulation of automobiles, which was counterproductive in terms of increased overcrowding in transport, provided that people are forced to wear masks “even between members of the same family while traveling in the car. “

So the country opened up, and with it the chances that most of them will lead to an increase in the number of Corona virus infections, which are supposed to peak in the next two months. In addition, there is an underlying fear among some that schools will reopen, “which is expected to provoke a crisis, especially since no one can control the number of injuries that may occur,” according to the head of the Parliamentary Commission for Cheers, Assem Araji. It is a fear that does not come from a vacuum, but from a “rehearsal” crisis that occurred before the closing stage. Several schools closed their doors with injuries spreading to them, while other schools concealed the number of injuries to them to ensure their doors remained open. Here, there is no guarantee that the virus will not spread, especially in light of the limited capacities that would improve prevention measures, especially in public schools. Besides these hangouts you’ve been allowed to return to, including restaurants, who can guarantee your commitment to the specified occupancy rates? Who will see this return?

In addition, yesterday’s session witnessed a discussion about what the last weeks of closure had led to, and the meeting concluded that what happened had no ambitions, since the closure decision did not reduce the percentage of positive examinations that were It stood at 15%, which is a very high figure. The percentage of commitment to the closure did not exceed 50%, and it is lower than what happened in previous closings, because “everyone knows how much there have been those who have been stubborn in decisions!” According to the Minister of Public Health , Hamad Hassan. However, Hassan still has some optimism about the result of the closure, regarding a slight decrease in the number of injured, indicating that “the results of the closure phase will appear, starting tomorrow.”

And pending the appearance of the closing “result”, the Corona meter is still above the threshold of 1,000 daily injuries, and yesterday it registered 1,266 injuries. It is true that the number is lower than the day before yesterday, however, this is due to the decrease in the number of laboratory tests that were performed yesterday, which amounted to 8,814 exams, which are almost 3,000 exams less than the day before yesterday. And often, at the end of the week, there are few injuries due to the closure of many labs. As for the death count, it continues to register high figures, and yesterday it registered 13 more deaths, bringing the total number to 1,400 victims. The number is likely to rise further with the increase in the number of critical cases, which were recorded yesterday, 352 cases, of which 135 cases were connected to respirators.

Source: News
