Geagea: The political confrontation with Hezbollah will not end before it hands over its weapons


The head of the “Lebanese Forces” party, Samir Geagea, said that the problem in Lebanon did not one day stem from the political system, but rather from the disagreement of the Lebanese on issues taken for granted in western and modern countries. He noted that “Lebanon has not regained its sovereignty and independence with the departure of the Syrian army from Lebanon on April 26, 2005, because the Syrian occupation shared roles with Tehran in Lebanon in terms of controlling all articulations of the Lebanese authority and leaving Hezbollah’s weapons under the banner of resistance, and with its departure from Lebanon, the party assumed command. “The very role of the Syrian regime is to seize sovereignty and independence and confiscate the strategic decision of the state at the level of war and peace How can the situation of any country be straightened out in the presence of two weapons on its soil, the legitimate army and the weapon of the militia? And the confiscation of the State’s decision is reflected in the work of all the political, judicial and security institutions of the State. This explains the rampant state of chaos in light of the exchange of services between the corruption system and the weapons system. If we choose the last political system in the world and drop it in Lebanon, will this system be applicable in light of the presence of a party that clings to its arms and expresses the priority of the Iranian state, which is an integral part of its axis in the Lebanese state?

In an interview with the French magazine “Revue Politique et Parlementaire”, Geagea considered that “the Lebanese procreative crises have nothing to do with the sectarian system, as some claim and are described either by superficial antecedents, or by achieving internal balances and the letter of coexistence and changing the face and role of Lebanon. The evidence is that when Lebanon adhered to the neutrality of the external axes of the conflict between 1943 and 1969, with the exception of course of the incidents of 1958, it witnessed a period of stability and prosperity that made it the “Switzerland of the East.” It was the Middle East Hospital, the Middle East University and School, Middle East Tourism and the Middle East Bank. The situation collapsed only due to the interference of the Palestinian factor in the liberation of “Jerusalem of Jounieh” with the internal factor. This does not mean that the existing system is ideal, whereas there is no ideal system in the world, and all systems must reflect the nature of society and evolve with its development, making it impossible to think about developing or updating them because the dispute continues to be centered on loyalty to Lebanon, while the loyalty of some is towards others states and issues, and as long as the loyalty crisis has not been addressed, it is in vain to search for a system or something else, and when the Lebanese people unite around the state and its end Other disagreements become secondary, non-structural and fundamental as they are today. And any potential development of the system must go towards expanded decentralization leading to better services, job creation, increased productivity, activated sectors, and comfort to the Lebanese.

He explained: “Parallel to this aspect, a basic factor cannot be underestimated either, which is that in the last three decades, Lebanon has lacked the political elites that set their sights on the establishment of the state of the institutions, and on their exercise They are not subject to any form of intimidation or incitement, and if this group were found, the corruption would not spread vertically or horizontally. Because it was a barrier to their expansion and spread, but unfortunately elites are absent or reluctant to exercise public affairs, and this explains the appalling decline in all matters related to state institutions. He stressed that France remains Lebanon’s first strategic ally, since Paris does not deal with Lebanon on the basis of interest, but on the historical, cultural and political base. The ties it shares with the Lebanese, and there is a feeling of mutual relief. France did not provide an opportunity without translating its sentiments. cough about Lebanon, be it in economic support conferences or in the fateful twists with the assassination of Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, and puts all his efforts in helping Lebanon and the Lebanese, and the latest evidence is that President Emmanuel Macron left all his worries and concerns and the health crisis hitting the world, including France, and he went to Lebanon in solidarity after August 4. explosion, and looking for bitter solutions A visit to get Lebanon out of its crisis, and his visit was a great popular satisfaction. Parallel to the permanent support of the French State to Lebanon, there is a historical and distinguished relationship between the Lebanese and French peoples.

He believed that “the Christian role has not changed from before the creation of the Lebanese entity until today, and this role is represented in the establishment of a state that accommodates all and is based on freedom, democracy and pluralism, and This particular Christian role has made Lebanon, the “Switzerland of the East” and that bridge between East and West, and represents “The Lebanese Forces” is an extension of this historical line through its desperate defense of the State, sovereignty, independence, freedom, association, equality and transparency in the exercise of public affairs “.

He said: “The Christian historical role was based on the ability of Christians to build a state of constitution, law, freedoms and transparency, and they have no role outside of these constants, principles and universals, because the state only constitutes the common space among all Lebanese, and what is said about the Lebanese model and the homeland of the message is the result of this interaction between groups. ” Without canceling the other and under the roof of the State, and all are working in the service of the Lebanese people. “

He added: “This project was only affected by the existence of a group like” Hezbollah “that broke with the Lebanese consensus by bearing arms at the expense of the State, and taking it as a political project that contradicts the essence of The role and the Lebanon’s mission, and worst of all is the “Free Patriotic Movement” that built its popularity and legitimacy. To defend the sovereignty and independence of Lebanon, it established an alliance with “Hezbollah” that prevents the establishment of the state, thus The movement deviated from the Christian historical line by covering a political project that contradicts the entire philosophy of Christians and their vision of the State in Lebanon.The effective role of Christians in Lebanon is due to their commitment to this historical line. And their eagerness to maintain it, and when this line was struck, the state fell and disintegrated, and there is no salvation for Lebanon except by adhering to the principles of the Lebanese project and its constants, and the The war that was launched and fought against the “forces” was caused by their adherence to this line, which was the head of their war, because there are those who always want Lebanon to be an arena, not a state.

Geagea noted that “neutrality was an integral part of the 1943 Charter, and neutrality is not a new or foreign issue to Lebanon. Rather, when applied, the country witnessed unprecedented stability and unique prosperity, and it is enough to compare the period in which neutrality was applied with the stage in which it was abandoned. “Neutrality, which has transformed with it into a failed state, bankrupt and crisis, and therefore there is no more solution to return to the launch of the first republic and revive neutrality, which constitutes one of the objectives of the “Lebanese Forces”, and this is what prompted it to embrace the initiative of the Maronite Patriarch Bechara Al-Rai who leads the best confrontation in defense of the neutrality project for the sake of Preserving Lebanon, its role and mission, and what is understood by neutrality is not economic neutrality, but political and military neutrality, that Lebanon does not get involved in conflicts outside the axes i international and regional, because without a commitment to neutrality, external conflicts in the home will be reflected in vertical divisions between the Lebanese between this axis and that one, and the state falls similar to what is happening today, and historical experience indicated that every time neutrality fell, stability fell, and every time neutrality was respected, stability was established, and whoever supports neutrality supports poor life Stayed in Lebanon, and whoever opposes neutrality opposes coexistence, because abandoning neutrality leads to coexistence on strike. It is not by chance that neutrality was adopted with the launch of the republic in 1943, but because without neutrality there was no possibility of that launch, because the pluralist composition of Lebanon requires its exclusion from the crises and axes of the region, and therefore neutrality. it constitutes the entry point for stability, state-building, constitution implementation, and adherence to the spirit of the Charter.

He said: “The dispute with Hezbollah is not only political in nature, but also ideological and cultural, and therefore the gap is very large between us and him. The forces are responsible for Lebanon, while the cause of the Islamic Ummah party is , and the forces are pushing to demarcate Lebanon’s borders to confirm its final status, as long as the party does not believe in countries’ borders. ” Geography and forces are with the project of the State, while the party is with the project of its State, and with this great disagreement, all the concern, starting in 2005, was to avoid the bombing of Lebanon and the return of the civil war, so coexistence was organized in a first stage under the roof of constitutional institutions without any political coordination. Rather, it is only a technical intersection, and in the last stage the “forces” came to the conviction that even technical coordination must stop because it is impossible to build the state without raising the hand of the party and the current era. and this explains their demands for a government of specialists that are completely independent, because the fate of any government will fail if it continues The March 8 team seizes the joints of power in Lebanon, and the political confrontation with Hezbollah will not end before surrender its arms to the state that cannot rise up in the presence of a state within it, and does not tolerate this problem which turned Lebanon into a failed state due to the suspension of the constitution Its law and its laws, and led to its isolation of the Arab and Western worlds.

And he considered, “Lebanon can only be itself in its role, model and mission, and this particular role has made it a global value, despite its small size. Lebanon is the only one in the world in which Christians and Muslims , with all its sects, share power and in a civil state based on freedom and democracy, “Lebanon at this level constitutes a message for the interaction of civilizations rather than their clash, and a space for creative dialogue and acceptance of the other as it is, but for this country to regain its role at the political, cultural, economic and tourist level, as well as its mission in this world, it must restore its sovereignty, independence and decision, and this for which we are fighting, and we will. Continue this fight until Lebanon returns to a normal state whose priority is people, stability and peace. “
