Geagea: “The Forces” will give confidence to the new government


The head of the Lebanese Forces Party, Samir Geagea, stated that “the forces will give confidence to the new government according to the standard that it has followed for more than 4 years, noting that” the forces do not have confidence in the main parties that hold the power. “

He clarified that this position is not prior, highlighting that the forces have a “friendly, not hostile relationship with most of them, but the result that the country has achieved indicates that this method of behavior is destroying Lebanon.”

Geagea noted that, “if there is an effort for real reform, a truly independent government must first be formed, made up of competent ministers and specialists who know exactly how to work, because the matter requires daily action and steps and speed in taking action. decisions “.

In an interview with Radio “Líbano Libre”, he indicated that “it seems that there is no hope in this government, because it began to form based on promises to the Shiite duo and the Progressive Socialist Party to hand over certain bags, which is one of the reasons for the stagnation of the situation and lack of reforms “. The Shiite duo will withdraw from the Free Patriotic Movement and the others. He believed that, at best, it would be a government similar to that of President Hassan Diab.

Regarding the linking of the conflict between Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri and Hezbollah over weapons, Geagea believed that “at a strategic level, the move could be beneficial, in the sense that the economic and financial situation of the country as it currently stands It does not allow entering a hundred problems and problems, but on an economic and financial level. This factor called the weapons of Hezbollah cannot be ruled out, asking: “Can the problem of illegal crossings be solved with this weapon, which by itself It alone cost Lebanon between one hundred and fifty million and three hundred million dollars? This weapon needs resources and the latter is illegal, so where do these resources come from? It is part of the corruption that exists in and around the country. “

He noted that, “To preserve its weapons, Hezbollah has established alliances at home with parties and leaders who have accepted this weapon in exchange for Hezbollah’s assistance in power, and these are the ones who are doing corruption at the present time,” considering that “on the issue of corruption, the economy and the financial situation, Hezbollah’s weapons contribute God is what we have reached in terms of economic and financial life.”

He rejected the saying that talking about a defensive strategy regarding Hezbollah weapons could put Lebanon in danger of a civil war.

Geagea spoke about the armament of the Forces Party, highlighting that “these rumors are a lie.” And he said: If someone wanted to attack the forces these days, what would attack them? Can you say that one of your deputies is corrupt or one of your ministers is corrupt? Can you say that your positions contradict each other? He noted that some seek to punish the forces, because their presence prevents them from achieving their interests. And he asked if anyone could arm themselves with the secret. He stated that “he who has nothing and talks like this, we will prosecute him, because this matter is a clear fabrication.”

Geagea addressed the Lebanese saying: “The acceleration is in your hands”, noting that “what happened on October 17 and after the accelerated events, did not bring them to a happy ending, but shook the existing situation and accelerated the events, emphasizing that “what we should do, and at the first time, If through parliamentary elections or any other method of expressing real opinion, we have to put our weight on it, and the change will be the simplest.

In another context, he explained that “the forces maintain a relationship with the other components of parliament, but it is a normal relationship and not an alliance,” noting that “the main ally of the forces are the proposals that were advanced after October 17 “.

Geagea rejected the theory that the “exit” of the forces from the political arena would lead to the strengthening of the ruling system, noting that “the opinion of the people about this authority after it was able to rule for the four years differed.”

He noted that “a slight improvement at the level of the country’s political administration is enough for things to improve,” noting that “the administration is very bad in light of this composition.” He said: I don’t want to judge matters before they become reality, but what is apparent so far, business as usual, means as always, and if there was a ruling group result, it would not have brought the country here.

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