Geagea Responds To Iranian “Al-Alam Channel”: The Ship Is Full Of What’s In It


The head of the Lebanese Forces Party, Samir Geagea, affirmed that “the ship is sprayed with what is in it, and the Iranian channel Al-Alam came to accuse His Beatitude Cardinal Mar Beshara Boutros, the blessed pastor of labor , at a time when they are not only agents, but are known for it since ancient times, and no one has forgotten About us, the “Iran – Contra affair”, found in all the books and study centers of the world , which is a metaphor for the weapons that were transferred from Israel to Iran during the period of the Iranian and Iraqi war and, therefore, who is missing something cannot be given or talked about.

Geagea stressed that “the language in which the Iranian channel Al-Alam spoke about our patriarch is totally unacceptable, since in reality he is not the Patriarch of the Maronites or the Christians, but the Patriarch of Lebanon. From independence to the To this day, the Patriarch of Bkerke was the Patriarch of Lebanon, and all they legitimately claimed is simply because he has views that don’t fit their aspirations. “

Geagea’s words came during a meeting, through the application of “Zoom”, with the graduates of the student interest in the party “Lebanese Forces”, in the presence of: Undersecretary for Interests Affairs Nabil Abu Judeh, Head of Department Tony Badr, department heads of the department, authority office and a group of graduates.

Geagea noted that “His Beatitude Bishara Al-Ra’i has positions that have been made known, either on the neutrality of Lebanon or on the internationalization of the Lebanese cause, and this is a political opinion that one can support or be in. against., since each one of us has total freedom to support it “. What you want, except that this does not apply to the Iranian channel Al-Alam, as it was clear to us that it is not a channel and has nothing to do with the world at all.

Geagea added: “A few days ago, the Iranian channel Al-Alam published a comment about Patriarch Al-Rahi that has nothing to do with his positions and is a metaphor for accusations and personal attacks that have nothing to do with reality. However, In any case, totalitarian regimes, respectively, since before the days of Stalin, have always resorted to similar methods that lack logic and do not intend to contradict argument with argument, but go directly to personal attack on anyone who has opinions that they don’t like. “

Geagea said: “The channel concluded in its comment about the patriarch who is doing what he is doing because he wants normalization with Israel, at a time when Patriarch Bishara Al-Rahi did not address the issue of normalization in any of the hadiths. ., statements and opinions we hear about him or even everything that was leaked about him. ” Bkerke from the data, although of course he is against normalization, and even more than that. In some cases he used to talk about this issue by coincidence and his position was rejecting normalization at the present time before the Palestinian issue was resolved, as is the case with all of us, but the Iranian channel concluded otherwise. That’s exactly that, but more than that, I went so far as to accuse him of being an employee at a time when they are not only mere agents, but are well known since ancient times, and every vessel oozes what’s in it. None of us forgot the fact that “the Iran – Contra affair” is present in all the world’s books and centers. Studies, which are a metaphor for the weapons that were transferred from Israel to Iran during the period of the Iran-Iraq war, and therefore those that lack something cannot be given or talked about.

Geagea added: “The language in which the Iranian channel Al-Alam addressed our patriarch is never acceptable, and it is a fact that it is not the Patriarch of the Maronites or the Christians, but the Patriarch of Lebanon, from independence to the present day the Patriarch of Bkerke is the Patriarch of Lebanon, and all that will be faithful to Him is only because He has opinions that are not compatible with His aspirations. They are free to have any aspirations they want, but they are not at all free to arbitrarily fabricating accusations against people, especially in high-level and historical positions of this magnitude. “

On the other hand, Geagea wanted the graduates to register their name through the platform of the Ministry of Health and not delay in doing so despite their young age, even when their turn comes at ages similar to their ages, they should go to get the vaccine, since this is not just a personal responsibility, but a community so that we can. Soon in Lebanon the necessary social immunity will be acquired, although reality shows that it will not soon be based on the behavior of the Ministry. of health.

Geagea explained: “We are going through a very difficult circumstance, and the truth is that there is one thing that is worse than difficult, which is when the situation is extremely disgusting. Today we are disgusting and not just difficult, so how can a person see calamities and afflictions: roads, electricity, water, officials, daily permits, housing, national currency, and in this period we see the Ministry of Health that launched a vaccination plan, which had all the conditions for success, and even the World Bank gave us money and we bought one million seven hundred thousand “Pfizer” and this matter is no small thing, and the World Bank developed the protocol that the Ministry of Health You should base this on this matter, but this plan is now in the news of one hundred thousand people, we have not even been able to implement a simple plan of this magnitude under the direction of the Ministry of Health.

Geagea added: “To date, the ministry has vaccinated almost forty thousand people, while it was supposed to vaccinate about one hundred thousand people a week in order to vaccinate the entire population in a reasonable time to acquire immunity. social required “. but what stopped us is our khanfsharite. “

In this context, there is a Lebanese proverb that expresses more, which is that the crooked furrow of the great bull, and therefore a whole state is also Khanfsharya Khanfsharya Khanfsharya, and no one realizes what his position is and what his mission is . in the proper and best possible manner, and matters are thus withdrawn to the president of the republic and the government. The majority of the House of Representatives passes to all the state administrations, so everything in the country has become “khanfshari” like us Vaccines are safe and the World Bank donated them and we will get more. A few days ago, China donated fifty thousand vaccines to us, but the plan and what is being implemented will not be able to vaccinate the Lebanese people before 2025, according to the estimates of the American University Observatory, and the most important thing here is that if we continue like this During this period, ten thousand new mutants of the epidemic will have appeared, which will necessitate the need for different vaccines to those administered today and, therefore, the speed of the disease will be much faster than it is cured “.

Geagea noted that “disgust is more difficult than difficult for the reason that, for example, if we have a stone in front of us that we must remove, we can gather our strength to see how we do it, except that disgusting situations are simply disgusting, And today, as we look at Lebanon, we find the situation in this way, but we are in spite of that, we will not let this matter come before us, and every day we will gather our forces to be able to complete the march and carry out the tasks. that are required of us “.
