Gamalia Center: No serious allergic reactions were detected when using the “Sputnik V” vaccine.


Gamalia Center: No serious allergic reactions have been reported when using a vaccine.

Sputnik Vladimir Song

Director of the Russian National Gamalia Center for Research in Epidemiology and Microbiology, Alexander Gintsburg.

The director of the Russian National Gamalia Center for Epidemiological and Microbiological Research, Alexander Gintsburg, said that the continued use of the “Sputnik V” vaccine against the “Covid-19” infection did not reveal any serious allergic reaction.

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“No serious allergic reactions were detected when the Sputnik V vaccine was used during the 3 stages of clinical trials and civil circulation,” Ginsburg said, in an interview with “Russia 24,” broadcast on Friday.

And Gentsburg added, commenting on the news about the monitoring of allergic reactions in 7 US citizens after taking the vaccine from the company “Pfizer” and “Biontech”, that the number of people who have been vaccinated with “Sputnik V” has reached to 700 thousand so far, and added: “The Ministry of Health.” The Federal Health Supervision Authority strictly controls all side effects. “

On December 10, Russia launched a mass vaccination campaign against the emerging corona virus infection “Covid-19”, and “Sputnik V” is the first officially registered vaccine in the world against this disease, which has so far killed about 1.7 million people.

And the US Food and Drug Administration previously announced that it is studying reports of allergic reactions recorded in 5 people who took the “Pfizer” and “Biontech” vaccines, indicating that this side effect may be caused by the chemical polyethylene glycol. , which is also used in the production of the vaccine company “Moderna”. While this number later increased to 7.

Source: Agencies
