French President addresses Lebanese crisis at press conference Sunday night


two hours ago

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PARIS: The French presidency announced on Saturday that President Emmanuel Macron will speak at a press conference on Sunday night on the political situation in Lebanon, following the apology of the prime minister appointed to form a new government.

The French president’s holding of a press conference in the presidential palace, which is rare, reflects the extent of his interest in the issue after the failure of the Lebanese parties to form a government in mid-September in accordance with the promises they made. they made Macron in Beirut.

Macron, who visited the Lebanese capital twice after the Beirut port bombing, warned on September 2 that accelerating government formation and initiating the implementation of reforms demanded by the international community are two prerequisites for Lebanon to obtain aid. financial

“If they (the Lebanese parties) do not deliver on their promises in October, then there will be repercussions,” he said during his meeting with the Lebanese parties in Beirut.

In turn, French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said this week during a videoconference on Lebanon on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly: “In the absence of reforms, there will be no international financial aid. If implemented, we will spare no effort to help Lebanon. “

The government of President Hassan Diab, who is currently in charge of conducting business, resigned after the terrible explosion in the port of Beirut on August 4, which killed more than 190 people and injured thousands and caused massive destruction in areas whole of the Lebanese capital.

On Saturday, Prime Minister-designate Mustafa Adib apologized for the task of forming a new government.

The President of the Republic, Michel Aoun, announced his acceptance of the apology and confirmed that the initiative launched by French President Emmanuel Macron is still underway and received my full support.

In turn, former Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri commented in a statement: “We say to those who today applaud the fall of the French president’s initiative … that they will bite their fingers with regret.

A new international conference to assist Lebanon is expected to be held in late October.

