French mobilization to save initiative: Adeeb’s apology postponed


Mustafa Adeeb’s retirement document is still in his pocket, and he will announce it as soon as he makes sure there is no way to get to the possible government. In the end, according to those close to him, he is not willing to abandon his convictions, and there is no reason to disagree with anyone. That was enough to announce his resignation at the end of last week, before the French were alarmed and decided to expand their mission.

Since then, the contract has remained the same. The title is Ministry of Finance, but the content is the sense of the Hezbollah binary and the hope of efforts to restore the 2005 scenario, where the parliamentary majority did not help compensate for its absence from the executive branch. Therefore, anyone who contacted either party heard a clear statement that “finances” is not the only problem, but that there is no possibility of abandoning the “right” to appoint Shiite ministers, even if it is to propose a “variety” of names from which the designated president chooses. The real jump came from Saad Hariri. Prime Minister Nabih Berri had reached a quasi-agreement with him, Hariri quickly turned against him, raising the ceiling of conditions high, in cooperation with the Heads of Government Club, which put no in Adeeb’s face: no to dialogue with the parties, or to entrust the financial portfolio to a Shiite chosen by the Shiite duo. Here, the duo, who confirmed an observant source that they were willing to facilitate the task of forming a government, realized that a coup was taking place and that the club of former prime ministers was nothing more than a tool.

(Haitham Al-Mousawi)

The problem is here specifically. Does the United States allow the formation of a government in which Hezbollah participates, or not? Is the United States interested in preventing the collapse of the country or is it trying to accelerate it? The reason for the question is the growing context of America’s role in Lebanon, either directly or through mediation. This intervention marked the beginning of a French withdrawal of a clear declaration that President Emmanuel Macron had said on August 6, which was to support France in the formation of a government of national unity, the then French Minister of State for Francophone Affairs , who confirmed that there is no problem with the participation of politicians in the new government. The title suddenly became a specialist neutral government. This appeared to be a product of the US entry into the initiative. In the general holder, he supports the initiative. In fact, the US Secretary of State has previously stated: “We are working with the French in Lebanon and we have the same goals,” but with enough added detail to undermine it. The support is conditional on the initiative that leads to the production of a government in which Hezbollah does not participate. The heads of the government club received the American signal and launched their implementation process, while the French continued trying to keep the stick in the middle, aware that there was no possibility of forming a government without the party. Therefore, he did not leave a path but took it, except that, until yesterday, nothing of it led to breaking the impasse. And since this stagnation has been linked to what lies beyond, the question of the evolution of attitudes is useless. The main question: Does the American really want a government that eases the collapse, or has he decided that he would prefer a country without a government or a government without internal consensus and external support that resembles the Hassan Diab government?
The answer to this question will not be delayed, but until then, the American attack on the French leadership increases in intensity every day. The United States, which did not understand how France opposed its proposal to extend the arms embargo on Iran in the Security Council, publicly opposed, through its foreign minister, Macron’s meeting with Representative Muhammad Raad . It is an objection that opened the door to a US campaign against the French position, which insisted on separating the military wing of Hezbollah from its political wing. The latest form of pressure on the French position and its European successor was the accusation of the US State Department’s counterterrorism coordinator Nathan Sales of Hezbollah “of smuggling explosives, including ammonium nitrate, to Europe, where it has a network of warehouses and bunkers, “indicating that” the United States government European governments are urging an end to the distinction between Hezbollah’s political and military wings and its classification as a terrorist group.
The external context, in addition to the internal strength, did not prevent the continuation of the efforts to resolve yesterday. During the last 24 hours, a series of developments took place, among which the following stand out:
– The President of the Republic asked the President-designate, during his meeting with him, to “continue with the ongoing contacts to attend to the government’s file, because the current conditions in the country require rapid rescue work, especially because they have 16 days have passed since the assignment and the country is waiting for an understanding on a new government. ” Aoun emphasized, “Adherence to the French initiative in all its components, which had been agreed by the Lebanese political leaders.”
– The French informed the prime minister-designate of the need to open a hot channel of communication with the other team and suggested that he adopt communication with Major General Abbas Ibrahim to transfer certain climates to President Aoun or the Shiite duo. He met with Ibrahim the day before yesterday, who informed the President of the Republic that the man was not yet ready to present his squad and wanted more time.
– A discussion session was held between the President-designate and the members of the Prime Minister’s Club via video technology, in which Adeeb said that he does not want to shirk responsibility, but knows that his mission is to achieve a government that is adjust to their convictions and that it is not at the same time a government of confrontation with any party. He heard from former heads of government called to wait and not take a step that exploits the situation, with an emphasis on not making concessions.
– After the French contacts with Hezbollah and the Amal movement, a meeting was agreed between Adib and the two Khalileans, during which the statements of the Shiite duo were presented in detail. However, the meeting, the second of its kind, did not resolve the Ministry of Finance issue. Al-Khalilan renewed his position by rejecting the exclusion of an important group from the composition process. They informed Adeeb that the French initiative (the French newspaper distributed to the political forces does not include talking about rotation, and the reforms are not related to the number of ministers. “He asked Al-Khalilan: Keep the Ministry of Finance with the Two is what makes reforms difficult? And will the formation of a government of 14 ministers be achieved? Reforms? Does implementing reforms mean that you impose your opinion and not consult with anyone in the authorship process? Although Adeeb affirmed that “he is not a man of problems and wants to charge more than to separate,” noting that “he cannot break his relationship with the former prime ministers who appointed him and is condemned to consult with them,” promising new consultations and contacts.

Aoun: With the rotation, not to set new norms, but not for bullying abroad

Hizbullah told the French that the threat of sanctions must be clear. If what is meant is to punish those who support the resistance, then this means a political position on the part of those who impose the sanctions. As for whether the matter is related to corruption, then the party will not face any punishment that affects a real corrupt person after presenting evidence that he is accused of corruption, and not in the American style. To link the accusation of corruption with support for the resistance would be a political position, and that France, which shows protests against corruption in the circle of Prime Minister Saad Hariri, cannot demand that he take over the management of a rescue government. establishing it and directing it from behind a curtain after a “shadow” is appointed to assume his presidency. And that Hariri does not have the right to impose conditions regarding the rotation of portfolios and the method of selecting ministers who are candidates to take office. The Shiite duo expressed their resentment at Hariri’s behavior, especially as they felt that he stood by his side in the darkest circumstances, and stood alone in the administration, and that the two had agreed to take over from the prime minister in the face of the Saudi veto. , but he wouldn’t be welcome to play Hariri’s role if it were in form. Present new credentials to Americans and, through them, to Saudis.
In a related context, President Michel Aoun had conveyed a clear position of the Shiite duo, that the issue is not related only to the financial portfolio, and that the insistence on appointing the two ministers of their ministers reflects a decisive position in refusing to imposing new rules of the game internally, and invoking the need for a rescue government to get out. The matter of forming it to the other opponents of the duo, especially since who makes up the government is Hariri and his team and not anyone else.
– The Shiite duo informed Aoun of their rejection of his proposal that he take up the announcement of appointing the Shiite minister of finance as a formal way out to facilitate Adeeb’s mission and not fail the French initiative. The duo said they are determined to directly name everyone who will represent them in government, and they are willing to submit dozens of names to choose from. And it seemed clear that the duo is also interested in knowing the criteria and candidates to take over the main portfolios of energy services, public works, health, communications and justice, especially since everyone talks about the French side will oversee the work of these ministries and that Paris is studying the resumes of all the candidates to take over these portfolios.

Amal – Hezbollah: Hariri’s role is unwelcome when it comes to presenting documents to Americans and Saudis

The Shiite duo seemed to understand the fact that President Aoun and Representative Basil were working under pressure. Especially after checking the arrival of a high-level French letter to the President of the Republic warning that Bassil himself will be on the list of penalties for corruption, and that France will have to announce it if the Free Patriotic Movement continues to cover any objections to the work of the new government.
As a result, Adeeb has not yet submitted any assortment or initial ideas on bag names or distribution. In the information, President Aoun expressed his approval of the rotation of bags, based on the lack of devotion to the custom of assigning bags to sects, and not because of harassment abroad to shake the internal balance. Furthermore, the head of the Free Patriotic Movement, Gebran Bassil, despite his call for discussion, said that there are no objections to the Finance Ministry being part of the Shiite involvement in the Adeeb government.

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