French Foreign Minister criticizes “failure” of Lebanese officials to save their country


French Foreign Minister criticizes “failure” of Lebanese officials to save their country

Le Drian: There is still time … but tomorrow will be too late

Friday – 29 Rajab 1442 AH – March 12, 2021 AD Edition No. [

Minister Le Drian during yesterday’s press conference (EPA)

Paris: Michel Abongum

Once again, Paris sounds the alarm and warns of the descent of Lebanon into an abyss. Once again, the highest French officials use harsh language with the Lebanese political class to pressure them to move and stop the maneuvers. On all occasions, France reiterates that its initiative to help Lebanon continues, but the Lebanese must act.
Yesterday, Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian took the opportunity of the joint press conference held at noon at the ministry’s headquarters, with the participation of his counterparts from Egypt, Jordan and Germany, to hit Lebanese officials after removing their diplomatic gloves. . The French minister had previously warned months ago that Lebanon was “collapsing.” When asked about his assessment of the current situation in Lebanon, he replied: “I oscillate between sadness, anger and anxiety, and I have a tendency to classify Lebanese politicians, whoever they are, as responsible for withholding aid to your country while in danger. ” As a reminder, this principle is considered in French legislation on persons as a crime punishable by law. Le Drian added: “I would be tempted to say that Lebanese political officials do not help a country facing danger, regardless of who they are.” He said: “They are all committed to working to form an inclusive government and implement indispensable reforms.” That was 7 months ago and nothing is moving, ”recalling that President Emmanuel Macron visited Lebanon twice in August and September. Macron, who proposed a rescue plan for Lebanon under the title of a government of specialists, the necessary reforms and the reconstruction of Beirut and what was destroyed by the bombing of the port, had previously called the Lebanese political class “treason.” collective “because he accepted. in his presence the plan he proposed and then quickly turned against him. Seven months later, Lebanon remains without a government, while the economic, financial, social and health conditions are in the most deteriorated situations.
Le Drian warned that the collapse of Lebanon “will be a disaster for the Lebanese, for the Palestinian and Syrian refugees, and for the entire region.” In his opinion, there is still a chance. He said: “I think it is not too late yet, but it is too short,” reiterating that “it is up to the Lebanese authorities to take charge of their destiny knowing that the international community looks on with concern … It is still time to act today, but tomorrow. it will be too late “.
Some Lebanese were betting on a third visit to Macron, which was previously postponed due to his “Covid-19” infection. And his sources indicated that he was still determined to do so. Diplomats believe that Macron cannot play with his image and that of his country, and is making a third visit with no guarantees of his ability to achieve at least one breakthrough through the formation of a government that Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri, has far failed to achieve. There is a consensus in Paris that attributes the failure to pressure Lebanese officials to proceed with their plan to the absence of a “lever” that would influence the political class, be it temptation or restraint, as well as external obstacles. Iranians and Americans who prevented Lo from moving forward and some Lebanese bet on the occurrence of external changes that would upset the existing equations in Lebanon and change the balance of power. After all eyes were on the outcome of the US presidential elections, the Lebanese today await the process of twisting the arm that exists between Washington and Tehran regarding the nuclear file.
At the same press conference, Egypt’s Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry said that his country “adheres to the interests of the Lebanese people and is in contact with all parties, and Lebanese politicians must respond to the aspirations of the Lebanese people. Lebanese people, “adding that Cairo hopes to form a new government soon. His Jordanian counterpart, Ayman Safadi, said his country “is following with concern the difficulties in Lebanon” and that he went to Beirut twice to express Amman’s solidarity with the Lebanese people. Safadi warned that “we cannot allow additional collapses in Lebanon, because this would constitute a crisis and a threat to stability.”


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