French advice to Adib .. This is a new “distribution” of bags


Tariq Tarshiwi wrote in the newspaper Al-Jumhuriya under the title “French advice to a writer with a“ consensual ”training:“ There are a few days until the French deadline for the formation of the future government, while this constitutional right of the government entered into the cycle of complications and obstacles that continue in all directions. The prevalence of a pessimistic climate in the country, or at least the extension of the deadline to write additional days that can reach the end of the next week, or more.

From the communications it was suggested that the President-designate Mustafa Adib intended to visit the President of the Republic, Michel Aoun today, carrying a ministerial formation of 14 ministers, who chose their names without prior consultation with the President or with the political parties, which would have exposed this step to failure, but information reported that later The Director General of Public Security, Major General Abbas Ibrahim, had visited Paris with a presidential mandate and his meeting with the director of French intelligence Bernard Aime (who previously had served as his country’s ambassador to Lebanon), Adeeb received French advice to delay this step and to carry out the necessary consultations with stakeholders to prepare a ministerial alignment that is acceptable to all. Especially since French President Emmanuel Macron had proposed, during his last two visits to Beirut, the formation of a “national unity government” or a government “supported” by political parties.
According to those involved in the composition of the government, an agreement has not yet been reached between the designated president and the president of the republic or between him and the interested parties, neither on the number of members of the government, nor on rotation, nor on the distribution of portfolios, nor on those who nominate ministers. Adeeb insists on a government of 14 ministers that he appoints himself and who are not politicians. He also insists on rotating all core and sovereign portfolios, including the Ministry of Finance, which the Shiite duo clings to, to retain their share for charitable reasons, as agreed at the 1989 Taif meetings, which produced the Document of Agreement. . The national one, known as the “Taif Agreement,” is based on a custom that assigns to the Shiite community the requirement that the Shiite signature be a requirement for the balance of power that that agreement establishes.
According to the information, the Shiite duo was and continues to cling to the portfolio of the Ministry of Finance, and insisting that it be out of any rotation in the distribution of the other sovereign or basic portfolios. Likewise, “Hezbollah” informed the designated president that it adheres to the Ministry of Health in case of a disagreement on the rotation, but if it is desired for this rotation, it wants the Ministry of Agriculture to be part of its part, noting that the duo also He informed Adeeb that he is the one who appoints his ministers and not any party. Another has the power to name them.
However, some of those involved in the authorship say that if a writer visited the Republican Palace today leading a cabinet lineup of 14 ministers that he personally prepared regardless of the opinions of others, then everyone will expect how Aoun will act in light of his Constitutional right to participate and the designated president in the preparation of the ministerial formation, because the designated president in the event His uniqueness with this step is that he has violated the constitution, which forces him to consult with the President of the Republic in this regard. Furthermore, Adeeb’s move of this type, if carried out, will raise another question about how the Shiite duo will behave. ” Read the full article Press here.
