Frank Williams is in a ‘stable’ health condition at the hospital


The Williams Formula 1 team has issued an official statement confirming that Sir Frank Williams is hospitalized and in stable health.

Sir Frank Williams is considered one of the most prominent and important figures in the history of Formula 1, with the founding of his team, ‘Williams’, in the late 1970s, and since then he has won numerous drivers’ titles and builders, the last of which was in 1997.

However, with the Williams team remaining one of the independent teams in Formula 1, with its ownership and management, by the Williams family, it has not been able to keep up with the performance of the big teams recently, leading to to a significant decline in team performance in recent years.

This led to the Williams family selling the team during the 2020 season, and ownership was transferred to Dorleton Investments.

Also read: Russell is saddened by Williams’ exit from Formula 1

Today, however, the Williams team issued a health statement regarding its founder, Frank Williams.

The team did not reveal many details, noting that Sir Frank Williams’ health is considered a ‘health problem for the family only’, but confirmed, at the same time, that Williams is in the hospital for health problems, but his condition current is stable, without providing any details. Other
