France will cooperate with the United States in the nuclear program of Iran and Lebanon


Biden informed Macron of his desire to strengthen bilateral relations with France, “our oldest ally” (France Press)

French President Emmanuel Macron said on Sunday that his country would cooperate with the United States on Iran’s nuclear program and the situation in Lebanon.

This came during his first phone conversation with the new president of the United States, Joe Biden.

Macron said he observed a great convergence of views with Biden, especially on the Corona virus pandemic and international security issues. He added that the two countries will cooperate in the field of health within the framework of the World Health Organization, especially with regard to supporting the countries most affected by the pandemic.

Macron’s circles said this “business” conversation, which took place in English, was “friendly” and lasted an hour.

For its part, the White House said that Biden informed Macron of his “desire to strengthen bilateral relations” with France, “our oldest ally”, but also “the transatlantic relationship”, through “NATO and the partnership. of the United States with the European Union “. “

On Wednesday, at Biden’s inauguration, Macron welcomed Washington’s decision to reinstate the Paris climate agreement and return to the World Health Organization, after years of estrangement under President Donald Trump.

(Reuters, AFP)
