For Twilight fans … a novel on the way to you!


After a long wait, Stephenie Meyer, author of the popular novel series “Twilight,” revealed her intention to launch a new section titled “Midnight Sun” during a television interview on the “Good Morning America” ​​show.

The announcement comes 15 years after the birth of the first book that caused a sensation, and sold over 100 million copies worldwide to add new pieces to the author at the time, namely New Moon, Eclipse, and Dawn. Please note that these works resulted in a series of films starring Christine Stewart and Robert Pattinson, and reached large numbers at the worldwide box office.
Fans of these books have been eager to see the new book that Mayer released her first draft of the chapter on her blog in 2008.
The work is about the love story between the vampire “Edward Cullen” and humanity “Bella Swan”. But this time, readers will follow the story from the lover’s point of view, analyzing his life before meeting his girlfriend. Mayer describes the upcoming book as “an epic narrative of deep pleasures and the devastating and immortal consequences of love.”

In this context, Mayer pointed out in his speech that this story “takes a definitely new and dark path … and meeting Edward, the beautiful and mysterious Bella, is the most interesting and anxious event in his long life as a vampire … I will present more surprising details about Edward’s past and the complexity of his ideas., With an explanation of how this conflict defines his life … ».
Although she won’t see the light until August 4, Stephanie said she wanted to announce the news now, hoping that this would give readers “a little bit of happiness and a chance to live in an imaginary world for a while. We live in crazy times. ” Now, I wasn’t sure if it was the right time to produce this book, but some of you have been waiting for the mother for a long time, and it’s not fair that you wait any longer … sorry for the bad time, but I hope this book is a way to distract them from reality ».
