For these reasons … health safety is at risk! Phalanges


The Union of Medical and Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Merchants and Importers warned that health security will strike everyone, warning of the possibility that ever-increasing Corona disasters will affect the health sector. The warning comes amid failure to implement many of the agreed points to ensure the importation of medical supplies and equipment, indicating the absence of a sense of responsibility among those involved due to lack of a solution for months. for obstacles that threaten the health of citizens and even their lives.

In this context, the Union of Importers of Medical and Laboratory Supplies and Equipment, Salma Assi, told Al-Markaziya that the obstacles obstructed more than one point during the import, noting that “187 files were sent to banks from the March 26 with a total value of $ 16 million, while only 14 files were run. ” With a value of one million and 20 thousand dollars, according to our agreement with the Bank of Lebanon, it stipulated the transfer of 20 million monthly, and transactions are pending between commercial banks and the central bank. In addition, the delay in payment abroad, some files such as X-ray films, laboratory reagents and cochlear device operations that are grown indoors Ear and head for deaf people Silence when listening, speaking and learning, and must be transplanted to a child under the age of three, and in case we are late, you will not be able to hear or pronounce. So the mechanism for accepting or rejecting files remains unclear, and many decisions are made randomly, so we found out, for example, that you suddenly decided not to pay bills. It was old while this was being done, and this is what that we are trying to clarify with the commercial banks and the Bank of Lebanon. “

“All ministerial decisions related to the rapid implementation of the supply files to combat ‘Corona’, make the necessary transfers within 24 hours and support them 100%, were not implemented. And also regarding the decision to exempt the customs supplies that was issued about two months ago and was not published in the official gazette until approximately two or three weeks, plus all the codes were wrong so they were not implemented. “

Thus, he pointed out another fundamental problem faced by the importers represented by “securing 15% of the value of dollar bills in fresh money while there are no currencies in the market, and by insuring them to the banks, the file is not decided. the requirements to which the central circular does not apply, companies must ensure 100% of their value in foreign currency on the basis of the parallel market exchange rate, which causes prices to rise fantastically, which no party can afford, stressing that “the situation is no longer tolerable and the delay harms our relationship with manufacturers abroad and this has led to the suspension of all facilities, and we are forced to pay fresh money in advance, in which case banks refuse to return the money He exaggerated while agreeing with the Bank of Lebanon to recover it in fresh money as soon as the goods arrived in Lebanon, and it is impossible for us to continue nuar importing in this way. “

Regarding communication with stakeholders to resolve the problems, he explained that “the union was supposed to meet tomorrow with the committee established by the Bank of Lebanon to present the problems we face, but the meeting was postponed to next Monday. Due to the decision to close entirely for four days. Also, we are working to coordinate a meeting with the Prime Minister. In light of the lack of response from stakeholders, we are trying to increase the volume after a period of trying to calm the things as much as possible and find solutions.

So he noted that “Corona” helped us because it forced hospitals to receive emergency cases exclusively, which reduced the pressure on demand, and we will fall into the real problem as hospitals resume normal work. The available stock due to the impossibility of importing is barely enough for 20% of the local need.
