For the first time in the European Union … a new drug was approved to treat Corona


Span explained that giving the patient antibodies to the coronavirus in the early stages can help them avoid worsening their condition and prevent dangerous complications of the disease.

Trump, who was briefly hospitalized with the coronavirus last October, was treated with a mixture of antibodies known as "RAIN-COV2"It is produced by a company "Regeneron" American.

The German government has recently been criticized for its program "Slow" In the purchase and distribution of vaccines to the population, despite promises to move rapidly in this direction.

Span cautioned against blaming the government for the slow delivery of vaccines, saying: "Take care that 2021 does not become the year of guilt".

و: ضاف: "Talking about mistakes and failures is important, but without making it difficult and only blaming others.".

The German minister acknowledged that his country was very reluctant to work to combat the epidemic, but added that politicians and neighbors share responsibility for the high rates of contagion and the number of deaths in the second wave of the disease.

Waqal: "We all had the illusion that the virus was under control. We had doubts about the force with which the virus could return, but the vast majority did not want to admit it".

Span ruled out lifting the restrictions imposed by the Coronavirus outbreak for people who have been vaccinated, so vaccines are available to all residents.


German Health Minister Jens Spahn told the Bild am Sonntag newspaper that the German government had bought 200,000 doses of the new drug for 400 million euros ($ 487 million).

Germany will thus be the first country in the European Union to use this drug to treat “Covid 19”, amid the shortage of vaccines and the high number of infections registered in recent weeks.

The German minister said that, “from next week, the antibody drug will be used in Germany as the first country in the European Union. The use will initially be limited to university clinics.”

Span explained that giving the patient antibodies to the coronavirus in the early stages can help them avoid worsening their condition and prevent dangerous complications of the disease.

Trump, who was briefly hospitalized with the Corona virus last October, was treated with a mixture of antibodies known as “REGN-COV2”, which is produced by the US company “Regeneron.”

The German government was recently criticized for its “slow” program in purchasing and distributing vaccines to the population, despite promises to move quickly in this direction.

Span cautioned against blaming the government for the slow distribution of vaccines, saying: “We must be careful that 2021 does not become the year of blame.”

He added: “Talking about mistakes and failures is important, but without the matter becoming cruel and only blaming others.”

The German minister acknowledged that his country was very reluctant to work to combat the epidemic, but added that politicians and residents share responsibility for the high rates of infection and the number of deaths in the second wave of the disease.

He said: “We all had a delusional feeling that the virus was under control. We doubted the force with which the virus could return, but the vast majority did not want to admit it.”

Span ruled out lifting the restrictions imposed by the Coronavirus outbreak for people who have been vaccinated, so vaccines are available to all residents.
