For his responsibility in the bloody repression … European sanctions against 8 ministers of the Syrian regime


In a series of sanctions imposed on each network, with hands stained with the support of the Syrian regime in repressing its opponents, the European Union on Friday added eight ministers of the new government of the Syrian regime to the blacklist that punishes a European .

The list of European sanctions imposed since 2014 includes the new prime minister, Hossein Arnous.

The new government formed last August includes three female ministers, and is the fifth to be formed since the start of the conflict in 2011.

The Europeans today added to their blacklist the names of the ministers of oil and mineral resources Bassam Tohme, Industry Ziad Sabbagh, Health Hassan Ghobasha, Agriculture Muhammad Hassan Qatana, Electric Power Ghassan Zamel and three state ministers, Muhammad Fayez Barsha, Malloul Hussein and Muhammad Samir Haddad.

On October 16, the European Union imposed sanctions against Finance Ministers Kinan Yaghi, Judge Ahmed Al-Sayed, Trade Talal Al-Barazi, Transport Zuhair Khazim, Culture Labana Mashouh, Education Darem Tabaa and Water Resources Tamam Raad.

With the entry into force of the sanctions, all were banned from obtaining entry visas and their assets in the European Union were frozen, so the list includes 288 names and 70 entities linked to the Syrian regime.

In 2011, the European Union imposed “an oil embargo, restrictions on some investments, a freeze of the assets of the Central Bank of Syria in the European Union, restrictions on import operations of equipment and technology suspected of being used for internal repression, and equipment and technology designed to monitor and intercept communications via the Internet and the telephone. “

The European Union has imposed these sanctions on the Syrian regime since the beginning of December 2011 and reviews them annually.
