For $ 2.49 million. A piece of the moon was offered for sale at Christie’s auction house.


The auction house “Christie’s” in the British capital, London, is offering a piece of one of the largest rare moon meteorites in the world, for sale for two million pounds sterling, equivalent to about 2.49 million dollars.


According to the official website of the house, the weight of the lunar segment rock weighs approximately 13.5 kg, which is approximately the size of football as it is the fifth largest piece of the moon found on Earth, And there are only 650 kg of known moon rocks on Earth..

Scientists say this may have separated from the moon’s surface due to its collision with an asteroid or comet and then fell into the Sahara desert between Algeria and Mauritania.


James Christophe, Head of Christie’s Department of Science and Natural History, said: “I have been fortunate enough to deal with some lunar meteorites at Christie over the years. The large volume of this rock bothers me as it weighs more than 13.5 kg, which is much greater than anything else has been featured before. “

Hislop added: “The experience of holding a piece of another world in your hands is something you will never forget. It is actually a piece of the moon.”


The English House noted that scientists confirmed the nature of the moonstone, after rock samples brought in by US space missions from the moon..

The house drew attention to the fact that it will also offer a special group of 13 meteorites for sale at auction, and this group is estimated at £ 1.4m, equivalent to about $ 1.7m..
