Following the Interior Minister’s decision … a statement from the Lebanese University


The Presidency of the “Lebanese University” announced that based on Decision No. 1250 of October 11, 2020, issued by the Minister of the Interior and Municipalities on the closure of some villages and localities due to the high number of wounded by corona in them, the administrative and academic work is suspended in all units, branches and centers of the Lebanese University, starting Monday morning. The reality is from October 12, 2020, until the morning of Monday, October 19, 2020.

The central administration, the deans and the departments whose geographical locations have not been closed will open their doors on Tuesday, October 13, 2020 and Thursday, October 15, 2020, in order to perform administrative tasks.

He indicated that he is exempt from attending the central administration, deanships and administrations that work in closed towns. All exams, including entrance exams scheduled during the closing period, are also postponed to later dates to be determined by the unit deans.

He noted that work continues as usual at the university health center and molecular biology laboratories at the Faculty of Sciences in the Hadath complex and at the Laboratory for Health and Environment Microbiology in Tripoli.

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