Following the decision to gradually open … a statement from the Union of Private School Parents Committees


Following the decision to gradually open ... a statement from the Union of Private School Parents Committees

The committees of the Union of Parents and Guardians in the Private Schools of Lebanon issued a statement in which they stated:

With reference to the end of the general closure for two weeks to control the outbreak of the Corona epidemic, and the decision issued today to gradually open.

Referring to the confusion of the Lebanese state in everything related to the Crown pandemic, especially in education, the Committees of the Union of Parents and Guardians in private schools reiterate their position, which they have been repeating, which is the following:

A- The criteria to address the educational safety record and save the school year for the Federation are:

1- The standard of health

2- Academic and scientific standard

3- Economic criteria

B – The state cannot develop a roadmap without observing the above three criteria.

C- Returning to urban education has risks in terms of health priority, and continuing to study at a distance faces many obstacles in terms of educational and economic priority.

D- Our position a long time ago was and continues to be that addressing the current academic year cannot be done through ministerial decisions, but rather requires integrative government programs between all relevant ministries (education – health – economy – social affairs – communications – internal …). Through the development by the government of a comprehensive plan that takes into account the problems derived from the urban education option and takes into account the problems derived from distance education.

E- The government’s collective failure to establish an integrated program based on scientific facts and studies that brings people to face the school year in the face of the Corona pandemic does not allow it to take random measures that lead to specifically charging parents and the family educational in general the effects of his lack of leadership. Scientifically, specialized and solid.

This is in reference to the fact that despite the warnings we have issued since the start of the crisis, the apparent failure has continued from the previous school year, as well as the clear failure of all parties to find solutions that save the year. current school despite the time they had,

All right,

– The Federation has to the competent official authorities the full legal responsibility in case the school year is lost or the Crown is extended between students, teachers and parents.

– The Union considers that parents should be given the right to choose the type of education given to their children presently or remotely, given the circumstances of each of them, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3 of article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

In conclusion, consider the delay in attendance or combined return to schools after the New Years holidays, pending clarity on the status of Corona, as well as the operational clarity of the government plan with respect to the current school year.

The union puts aside all the negative backlogs that parents have experienced in recent years and reaches out to all components of the educational family to come together to bring our students to safety. “
