Fewer than 1,000 Corona deaths a day in the United States for the first time in 3 months


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Washington (AFP)

On Monday, the United States recorded, for the first time in more than three months, a daily death toll from Covid-19 of less than 1,000, according to data released by Johns Hopkins University.

Data from the university, which is considered a benchmark in tracking injuries and deaths caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, showed that between 8:30 p.m. Sunday night and 8:30 p.m. Monday night ( 01:30 GMT on Monday), the United States recorded the death of 749 people.

It is the first time in three and a half months that the daily death toll from the virus in this country has fallen below the 1,000 death threshold, and that figure was recorded on November 29 and reached 822 deaths that day.

On January 12, the United States recorded a record number of daily deaths of 4,473.

These data confirm that the rate of the outbreak of the epidemic is slowing in the United States, where the curve of deaths as well as infections has returned to levels that were before Halloween and Thanksgiving and other celebrations and occasions when the country was witness of massive movements. and large gatherings that contributed to the virus outbreak.

These figures are good news for President Joe Biden, who on Saturday approved his plan to stimulate the economy affected by Covid-19, which amounts to 1.9 trillion dollars.

And on Monday, US health authorities announced that people who received all doses of the anti-coronavirus can gather in small groups and indoors without wearing masks and without adhering to the rules of social distancing.

To date, about 59 million Americans have received at least one dose of the vaccine, or about 23 percent of the adult population, while the immunity rate continues to rise steadily after a weak start to the vaccination campaign.

People are completely immune to the coronavirus after two weeks of receiving the second dose of one of the “Pfizer” or “Moderna” vaccines, or two weeks after receiving a single-dose vaccine similar to “Johnson & Johnson.”
