Fauchi: Results of the Modern vaccine against ‘Covid-19’ …


Anthony Fauci, director of the American Institute of Infectious Diseases, praised in an interview with Agence France-Presse the announcement of the American company Moderna that its experimental anti-Covid-19 vaccine is almost 95% effective in fighting the virus. Fauchi, a member of the Presidential Coronavirus Cell and a highly respected figure in the United States in response to the pandemic, said: “I must admit that I would have been satisfied with an effective rate of 70% or at most 75%.” “The idea that we have a vaccine that is effective at a rate of 94.5% is amazing in an amazing way,” he said, adding: “This is a really amazing result. I don’t think anyone expected it to be that good.” . Fauchi heads the American Institute of Infectious Diseases, which has been developing a vaccine for Covid-19 since last January, shortly after Chinese authorities released the genetic sequence of the emerging corona virus. The Moderna vaccine is based on modern technology based on the insertion of genetic instructions into human cells to stimulate them to produce a protein identical to the protein of the Covid-19 virus and elicit an immune response against this protein. According to Fauci, “a lot of people had reservations” about this technology, “that it had not yet been tested and proven effective”, noting that “some even criticized us for it.” Moderna’s result means that the risk of contracting Covid-19 decreased by 94.5% between the group of people who received a placebo and the group of volunteers who received the vaccine during the large-scale clinical trial that is being carried out. currently carried out in the United States of 30,000 people, according to Initial Case Analysis.

Fauci continued: “There were 11 serious infections, no (serious) injuries were recorded in the vaccinated group and only 11 in the placebo group, thus resolving the question of whether the ‘vaccine’ helps prevent dangerous forms of the disease. It is absolutely the case. “The duration of protection afforded by the vaccine is unknown. Fauci said he was” sure “that this period would be long, but” we don’t know if it is one year, two years, three years or five years, We do not know. “If the level of effectiveness registered in the clinical trial is verified at the population level as a whole, it will be one of the most effective vaccines in the world, similar to the effective vaccine against measles, 97% in two doses, and better than flu vaccines (between 19% and 60% in the last ten years), according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the alliance of US companies Pfizer and Germany’s Bayontek announced the week Since its experimental vaccine against Covid-19, which is based on the same technology, has shown 90% efficacy in preventing infection by the deadly virus. These two findings confirm, in Fauci’s opinion, the safety of this technology because “the data is clear you”.

He added: “I think when we have two vaccines like these two, which have been shown to be more than 90% effective,” the technology no longer has to “provide more evidence.” However, the respected doctor warned that “there is still a long way to go,” referring in particular to the logistical difficulties faced by the vaccine dose transfer process, and expressing his deep concern about the anti-vaccine culture that prevails among large groups of the population of the United States, the country most affected by the epidemic in the world. “There is a widespread anti-vaccination sentiment in this country. We must be able to overcome it and convince people to get vaccinated, as there is no use in any highly effective vaccine if no one is vaccinated with it,” he said.
