Father Boulos Feghali … friend and scholar


The secretary general of the “Antelias Cultural Movement”, the historian Issam Khalifa, issued a statement saying “Greetings to the scholar Father Paul Feghali”, stating: “With the absence of the scholar Father Paul, Feghali loses one of his greatest scholars in the contemporary period “. In a home that gave birth to two learned archbishops who taught Oriental languages ​​at Purdue University and who contributed from their academic standing to the rise of Greater Lebanon in the early 20th century, Father Paul grew up in the city of Kfar Abida Batrouni. Among the Marian brothers, the Jesuit Seminary, the University of Lyon, the Lebanese University, the Saint Joseph University, the University of the Holy Spirit and the Catholic Institute of Paris, he obtained his degrees in French literature, philosophy, theology, biblical studies, Greek , Hebrew, Aramaic, and Latin languages, and was deeply involved in the literature of St. Ephrem the Syriac.

Soon, he taught at Bcharre and Batroun secondary schools, where he was a distinguished principal and exemplary principal during the futile wars.
In 1979 he joined the Faculty of Arts – Branch II – Department of Archeology full time, where he taught the Hebrew, Greek, Latin and Syriac languages, the history of religions, the Bible, archeology, Babylonian texts and anthropology. , and the history of ancient philosophy and medieval philosophy.
He participated in dozens of conferences and completed almost 400 books and hundreds of articles. He worked on the translation of the Bible and was a continuation of the line of Razi, Sionist, Yazji and Bustani, and in the line of Ephrem, Origins and others. In the Holy Book, priest Paul used to pray, meditate, deepen and nourish himself from it day after day.
It moved in the history of the Bible, in its original languages ​​and in the civilizations from which it was extracted and watered. Our scholar devoted himself to the Bible with the gaze of a critical, insightful and insightful scholar, to repaint it a wonderful picture that draws us from heaven, fascinates the eye and gives the mind its glory, as the father said of him Ayoub Shahwan. The day he was honored in the cultural movement – Antelias (with Rael from the year 2000) as a cultural science in Lebanon and the Arab world.
Priest Paul was also intimidated by the various tasks requiring various scientific competencies. In addition to teaching at the secondary and university levels, he was a consultant on the Bible for the Arab world with the Bible Societies (1982).
He was Secretary General of the Priestly Society of Lebanon (1983-1990).
He was a member of the Office of Bible Societies of Lebanon, Syria, and the Gulf States (1985).
He was responsible for the biblical movement in Lebanon (1986).
He was a member of the World Bible Association (1987).
He was President of the Priestly League (1990) and was Coordinator of the Biblical Mission in the Middle East region within the framework of the International Biblical Union (1991).
He was president of the Batroun Cultural Association (1991).
In addition to all this, he participated in the founding of Al-Nour and Al-Hayat magazine, the Bible newspaper, Our Liturgical Life magazine, and the revival of the priestly magazine, and he edited almost all of them regularly.
The curator Paul played a pioneering role in the Arabic language in terms of biblical studies. And he tried to reconcile between the rigorous scientific method in its objectivity, and transmit the message in an easy and solid way.
He was only asked to participate in a scientific conference related to his interests and answered it, as well as what was asked of him from an essay or a spiritual sport unless it was in accordance with a good human spirit.
The curator Paul loved his students in high schools, at the Lebanese University, in private universities, and in theology faculties at international universities.
He also loved God with all his heart and immersed himself in the mystery of the Holy Word. He deepened his knowledge of God as a scientist, theologian, and believer. And he lived as a fear of prayer through scientific research and Bible studies. And that the fragrance of his life spread through the churches of Lebanon, and the churches of the Arab world in Egypt, Syria and Iraq, and in the cities of science in Europe and the world.
Wherever you live, there is a workshop and there is new literature and publications in various languages. There are many who love him and deeply acknowledge his knowledge and mission. In one sense or another, he is the “Apostle Paul” of the 20th century, working for renewal in the Church and in religious studies, and working to overcome divisions and ecclesiastical and human unity.
The priest Paul was great and noble, apart from the love of money. Every year his family members meet and the money he has is distributed to them. He was meek, humble, friendly, and mastered the art of friendship.
Father Ayoub Shahwan said about him on the day he was honored in the cultural movement – Antelias, “In the history of biblical publications in Arabic, in particular, and of the Patriarchs, theology and others, in general, the name of the priest Paul will immortalize a glorious page in the history of biblical authorship, and a shining mark in heaven and around our homeland. ”
Oh scholar, scholar
Behold, you return to the proud soil of Kfar Ubaida, resting from the continual hardships you endured on your rich journey.
Here you are absent and the country suffers from the piracy of the various forces that impoverished its people, plundered its wealth, borrowed and exploded its capital, and are still diligent in leading our society to migration, hunger and dissolution .
You have taught us, throughout your rich history of generosity, to show hope and to believe in the independence of the Lebanese state and to defend human rights in this country and throughout our great Arab world.
Dear friend, the learned father
The Cultural Movement – Antelias, with all its members and friends, is in great mourning, but it is certain that its great scholars will remain immortal in the consciousness of the people and the nation of whom our people will be inspired by the love of knowledge, firmness of faith and the will to triumph over disasters.
Father, scholar Paul, you have all our love and respect, so let your memory be forever.
