Facing a large military parade in Pyongyang – Kim Jong Un: We will strengthen the army for defense and deterrence


North Korean leader Kim Jong Un announced on Saturday that his country will continue to strengthen its military, during a huge military parade in which Pyongyang demonstrated its latest defense technologies.

The parade was organized to mark the 75th anniversary of the founding of the ruling Labor Party in the nuclear-armed country.

“We will continue to strengthen our military for self-defense and deterrence purposes,” the North Korean leader said in a speech broadcast on state television.

The scenes broadcast by the official channel “KCTV” showed lines of armed soldiers and military vehicles lined up on the streets of Pyongyang, ready to go to Kim Il Sung Square, the founder of the regime.

Kim Jong Un confirmed that there is no “person” infected with the emerging coronavirus in his country, at a time when the epidemic is spreading throughout the world.

He wished “good health to all the people of the world who fight against the pain” of Covid-19, days after the president of the United States, Donald Trump, was discharged from the hospital, where he remained 3 days due to his infection with the virus.

In general, the spotlight is drawn during the presentation on the type of missiles Pyongyang wants to display and which is being followed by observers to get an idea of ​​the development of North Korea’s weapons program.

Analysts said North Korea showed off huge new ICBMs, broadcast on state television.

Each missile was loaded into a 22-wheeler, while Ankit Panda of the Federation of American Scientists said on Twitter that the model was “the largest liquid rocket booster in history.”

Contrary to previous offers, no foreign media was invited. Many embassies have been closed due to health restrictions, making the number of foreign observers limited.

Experts say North Korea has continued its nuclear and ballistic programs, justifying the threat from the United States, even during negotiations with the United States, which have been stalled for more than a year.

Some experts believe that Pyongyang could offer a new strategic sea-to-surface ballistic missile (MSBS) or an intercontinental ballistic missile that could reach the American continent, as well as a missile that includes multiple bodies, allowing the deception of American defense systems. .

In late December, the North Korean leader threatened to offer a “new strategic weapon,” but some experts say Pyongyang has no intention of enraging the White House before the US presidential election.

Rachel Lee, an expert on North Korean affairs, who previously worked for the US administration, said the display of these strategic weapons “is consistent with Kim Jong Un’s promises” as it is less provocative than a military experiment.

The American position

Commenting on North Korea’s offer of a new ICBM, a senior US administration official on Saturday described the matter as “disappointing” and called for negotiations to achieve complete nuclear disarmament.

The US official said it is disappointing that it continues to prioritize its banned nuclear program and ballistic missiles at the expense of working for a brighter future for the North Korean people.

He added that the United States calls on North Korea to enter into continuous and serious negotiations to achieve complete nuclear disarmament.
