Facilitate the task of President Falanges


The Supreme Council of Islamic Sharia held its ordinary session, chaired by the Mufti of the Republic, Sheikh Abd al-Latif Derian, in Dar al-Fatwa, in the presence of the natural member of the Council, President Fouad Siniora. And look into Islamic and national affairs.

The Supreme Council of Sharia paused before the political, economic, life and health crisis that the Lebanese are suffering, highlighting that the formation of the government is one of the powers of the president in charge of consulting with the president of the republic according to what is stipulated in the constitution. The obstacles, obstacles and obstacles that we are witnessing remind us of what was happening to previous governments, what must be overcome and the commitment to public order that was accepted by all Lebanese, and we must not be different and strict in the demands , but facilitators and cooperators, because we already had enough struggles and hardening of positions.

He considered that it is political adolescence and dangerous to fabricate positions and circumstances, above which there are great questions, to justify demands out of time and place to reconsider the bases agreed by all Lebanese after great efforts and with the appreciated Arab and international.

The Council calls on all national forces to overcome close conflicts and immediate fleeting interests and to rise to the fateful challenges facing Lebanon in its security and the death of its people, which may threaten its unity and destination.

The Council stressed that Lebanon is in a very dangerous situation and cannot wait any longer than expected. We must do everything possible to help the President-designate facilitate his mission, not launching accusations and contradictory efforts with a political background, and the French initiative may be the last chance for us who must adhere to it and work for its success. The Lebanese people lament the weight of the crisis, which began to take sectarian tendencies under pretexts or sectarian political and factional interests because they have Lebanon and their common coexistence as their objective, and that is what does not satisfy us, neither before nor after. The Council strongly denounces the phenomenon of transforming political, partisan and personal differences into sectarian and sectarian conflicts.

He added: The Lebanese received the initiative of French President Macron with much gratitude and hope. But now we fear that this friendly initiative will be lost and that the hope of breaking out of the impasse will evaporate. All that remains is thanks to all who tried to help us with all their efforts and failed with all the efforts of those who sat on the throne of power.

The Council called on all religious leaders and political forces to cooperate, solidify and unify the ranks to find national solutions for the birth of the government. Long live the common Christian Muslim.

He called on the Sharia Council to adhere to the National Agreement Document approved in Taif and to implement its provisions in its entirety, in letter and spirit, without deviating from it or interpreting it in contradiction with its clear and explicit texts, or seeking solutions outside of the constitution, leading to disagreements and conflicts that hit stability in the country and bring people together. For some, what is required is to invoke the constitution, and everything to manipulate it, and try to evade it, and interpret it carelessly, is a leap into the unknown and the loss of the state.

The Council calls on the conscience of people of power and decision-makers to assume their national and moral responsibilities, before God and before the people. Lebanon is not a ball thrown by the feet of the players and handlers. But it is a country with a message that we have accepted as the definitive home for all.

The Sharia Council called on the representatives to approve a comprehensive general amnesty law in overcrowded prisons today, before tomorrow, without any discretion in decision-making so that no one feels injustice, injustice and abandonment under weak arguments, knowing that the Crown epidemic has begun to destroy the Lebanese, and the prisoners are more. It is vulnerable to the epidemic due to overcrowding and poor medical care. Wisdom, compassion, mercy and concern for public safety require a quick solution through the issuance of a comprehensive general amnesty law so that we do not fall into the prohibited.

The Council made a bitter and sad pause in the face of the deterioration in the life, social and financial situation that heralds the revolution of the hungry, whose patience will run out once their savings have been used up and their national currency no longer has any purchasing power. that can meet their most basic needs, and here it falls on everyone to accelerate the formation of a specialized and independent government to save what remains. From the structure of the state that must continue the efforts of its loyal men and boys, and rid the Lebanese of voyages and ships of death on the seas.

The Council believes that the worst or most dangerous thing about this serious deterioration is that Lebanon, which is engulfed to its ears by intertwined and complex social, economic and financial problems, and which is still struggling to remove the rubble of the terrible disaster that affected to its capital Beirut, and to its people on the fourth of last month, it faces a danger. To be broke “.
