Facebook and Tik Tok are the most common communication platforms that threaten the privacy of users


There are many aspects of competition between social media platforms and applications, survey results revealed that the famous Facebook site has become the most threatening social media platform for users’ privacy and spying on them, followed by TikTok.

According to a survey conducted by the American technology company WhistleOut, users of social media platforms and search engines believe that Facebook is the most threatening platform for them.

And 85% of those surveyed expressed their belief that there is at least one tech company spying on their data now, and at the top of the list was Facebook, then the Chinese app TikTok.

The Instagram app ranked third, which 43% of respondents see as a matter of privacy concern, due to its association with the Facebook platform.

Google captured the concern of 45% of the participants compared to 38% of Amazon, then came the Snapchat app in 37%, and then Twitter, which infected 35% of users with anxiety to spy on their homes.

Respondents went beyond the fact that tech companies are spying on them, and 80% of them believe these companies eavesdrop on their phone conversations.

In this sense, Facebook was in the lead with 55%, followed by TikTok with 40%.

The company said that although respondents believe that tech companies are spying on them, 57% of them are unsure whether or not data is being used, while 24% believe that the purpose of the spying is to assign ads and content. to users.

To address the problem of data espionage, 37% of participants demanded that TikTok be banned, compared to 20% on Facebook and 13% on Instagram.
