Extension of the deadline for the delivery of criminal audit documents to the Central Bank of Lebanon


Beirut: “The Gulf”

Lebanese President Michel Aoun highlighted, yesterday, the need for the government’s commitment to carry out a forensic financial audit on the accounts of the Banque du Liban, and the importance of this step in the field of reforms necessary to address the financial and economic aspects of the country, while the deadline for submitting BDL documents is extended. The Álvarez y Misal company, for the forensic audit, requested it for an additional three months, at a time when the composition of the government continues to be confused and cautious after the wave of optimism that prevailed in recent days, while trying to reach to consensus on quotas and distribution of bags and names, while the World Bank estimates the outcome of the losses The port of Beirut exploded between $ 6.6 billion and 8.1 billion.

Aoun highlighted, while chairing a meeting to discuss the circumstances that accompanied the implementation of the decision in the audit process in the Banque du Liban, in the presence of the Minister of Finance Ghazi Wazni, the former Minister Salim Jreissati, the Director General of the Presidency of the Republic Dr. Antoine Choucair, and the head of the forensic audit team of the company “Álvarez y Marsal” James Daniel, on the need for the government’s commitment to carry out the financial forensic audit on the accounts of the Banque du Liban, the importance of this step in the field of reforms necessary to address the financial and economic conditions of the country, as well as the need and importance of the government’s commitment to carry out criminal audits in the public interest, while Minister Wazni emphasized that the audit it is a step. Workhouse par excellence. At the meeting it was decided to extend the time required for the delivery of the necessary documents to the Banque du Liban to the Álvarez y Marsal Company for an additional three months, provided that some documents that have not yet been delivered are delivered during the specified period.

On the other hand, the composition of the government remains blurred, as the contract remained unchanged despite the intensification of consultations, efforts and mediations that are being made to overcome them, especially with regard to quotas, portfolios and names. , in addition to the disparity in the names proposed after each party adhered to the names of two parties despite general understanding. It is the formation of a government of non-partisan specialists, even if the partisan parties appointed them, which caused the meeting with Aoun and Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri to be postponed on Wednesday, as planned.

Meanwhile, the World Bank estimated, in a preliminary report, the losses derived from the Beirut port explosion that occurred last August between $ 6.6 billion and $ 8.1 billion, indicating that these estimates are the result of an evaluation carried out by the World Bank in cooperation with the United Nations and the Union. The European Union, given the impact of the explosion on the population, physical assets, infrastructure and services. The World Bank stated that it remotely used ground data, tools and advanced technology to assess damage to physical assets and the resulting economic losses. And the needs for recovery and reconstruction.
