Explosion in Beirut … the judiciary accuses Diab and 3 former ministers of negligence and negligence


Today, the Lebanese judiciary accused Acting Prime Minister Hassan Diab and 3 former ministers of negligence and negligence and caused the death and injury of thousands of people in the Beirut port explosion in early August, while Diab said he had no awareness about your handling of the incident.

The French Press Agency quoted a judicial source as saying that the judicial investigator in the Beirut port bombing case, Fadi Sawan, indicted acting Prime Minister Hassan Diab, former Finance Minister Ali Hassan Khalil and the former Minister of Public Works and Transportation Ghazi Zuaiter and Youssef Fenianos, on charges of “negligence and negligence.” Causing the death of hundreds of people. “

The judicial source added that the interrogation sessions of the accused will be held on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, since the judicial investigator will go to the government headquarters to question Hassan Diab, while the three ministers will be questioned in the Palace of Justice of the capital, Beirut.

Ammonium nitrate

According to the same source, Sawan’s decision came after it was confirmed that they (the defendants) had received several written communications warning them not to postpone the maintenance of ammonium nitrate on the Beirut port campus, and not to take the measures necessary to prevent the devastating explosion and its massive damage.

On August 4, there was a large explosion in Hall No. 12 from the port of Beirut and, according to official estimates, contained around 2,750 tons of highly explosive ammonium nitrate, which has been confiscated from a ship and stored since 2014. The explosion killed more than 200 people and 6,500 injured. The Diab government resigned over the explosion, but is still doing business not to form a new government until now.

Hassan Diab: I trust in the cleanliness of my hands and in my responsible and transparent handling of the file on the explosion of the port of Beirut (Al-Jazeera)

The four officials are the first politicians identified by Sawan in the Al Marfa case, according to which at least 25 senior officials in charge of port management and security were arrested and another three were issued in absentia for being outside Lebanon.

A clear conscience

On the other hand, the acting prime minister commented on the decision of the judiciary saying that he was not aware of the handling of the explosion file. He added in a statement that he “trusts his clean hand and his responsible and transparent handling of the file on the explosion of the port of Beirut.” By targeting the prime minister’s position from any party. “

Last month, the judicial investigator asked the Lebanese Parliament to investigate the political responsibility of current and former ministers for the incident, on suspicion of having committed violations or crimes related to the explosion.

After Parliament refused to respond to Sawan’s request, it ordered the prime minister and the three former ministers to commit “crimes that fall within their jurisdiction and jurisdiction.”
