Expert Reveals “Common Mistake” That Causes Thousands of Corona Infections Every Day


Despite ongoing advice that preventive measures need to be adhered to to ensure that they do not get the Corona virus, there are some wrong habits that some people follow that lead to transmission of the infection and increase the number of infections.

With the United States recording unprecedented numbers in emerging coronavirus cases, America’s leading infectious disease expert revealed a circulating error that causes thousands of people to become infected with the virus every day.

On Thursday, the United States registered more than 154.5 thousand new cases of Coronavirus, representing an unprecedented increase in the daily case rate in the country.

The Johns Hopkins Center, which monitors developments in the Coronavirus pandemic in the United States, reported that 154,576 new cases of the disease were recorded in the United States during November 13, compared to 153,496 on November 12, which brings the total number of cases to 10,707,397 cases.

The United States is the first country in the world in terms of the number of infections registered with the coronavirus, with about 10.7 million cases, and the first in terms of the number of deaths, with about 244,000 cases.

Repeated mistake

In an interview with “MSNBC”, America’s leading infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci said that there are misbehaviors that can be avoided, leading to a dangerous increase in cases.

Fauchi said: “I am in contact with officials in different cities, and they notice that the number of injured is significantly lower, in large gatherings, compared to family gatherings.”

Fauci pointed out that family gatherings, of 8 to 10 people, are the biggest danger now, and not the big celebrations where strangers gather.

Fauchi explained: “At family gatherings, people feel comfortable with their relatives who know them well, so they don’t feel the need to wear masks and they don’t feel the need for an exam.”

And he added: “There are infected people without symptoms, who inadvertently spread the virus in these meetings, among close people.”

On the other hand, people are more cautious in large gatherings between strangers, such as a party at work, or a special event held by an organization, because they feel that they do not trust strangers, which puts them at lower risk of contagion, according to Fauci.

With the closures imposed by many countries, many turn to family gatherings as a form of social exchange and entertainment, exposing them to the risk of contagion.
